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Last active February 1, 2018 22:05
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Using AirWatch API calls, get device information and make Munki manifests from that info
import json
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import plistlib
import requests
###### Global Variables ######
airwatch_server = '' ## Enter your AirWatch server here, for example
b64auth = '' ## Base 64 Encoded AirWatch Username and Password here
aw_tenant_code = '' ## Enter the AirWatch API Key from your server here
request_headers = {'aw-tenant-code':'%s' % aw_tenant_code, 'Accept':'application/json', 'Authorization':'Basic %s' % b64auth}
airwatch_devices = []
device_dict = {}
manifest_dict = {}
munki_dir = '/var/www/html/munki_repo/' ## Need the full path to the munki_repo as it will look for the 'manifests' dir within that
manifests_dir = '%s/manifests/' % munki_dir
###### Global Variables ######
r = requests.get('%s/api/mdm/devices/search' % airwatch_server, headers=request_headers)
parsed_json = r.json()
except ValueError:
print "\nThe API call failed. Please check your username and password and try again\n"
for i in xrange(0, len(parsed_json['Devices'])):
client_dict = {}
client_dict['SerialNumber'] = parsed_json['Devices'][i]['SerialNumber']
client_dict['FriendlyName'] = parsed_json['Devices'][i]['DeviceFriendlyName']
client_dict['AssetNumber'] = parsed_json['Devices'][i]['AssetNumber']
client_dict['Username'] = parsed_json['Devices'][i]['UserName']
current_device_manifests = os.listdir(manifests_dir)
for manifest in current_device_manifests:
manifest_dict[manifest] = 1
for device in airwatch_devices:
if manifest_dict[device['SerialNumber']]:
print "Manifest for serial [%s] already exists, skipping" % device['SerialNumber']
except KeyError:
if 'Staging' in device['Username']:
print "Device [%s] has not been fully provisioned yet, skipping manifest creation" % device['SerialNumber']
elif len(device['AssetNumber']) > 8:
print "Device [%s] Asset tag has not been updated yet, skipping manifest creation" % device['SerialNumber']
print "\tCreating a manifest for device"
manifest_template = {}
manifest_template['catalogs'] = ['production']
manifest_template['included_manifests'] = ['site_default']
manifest_template['managed_installs'] = []
manifest_template['optional_installs'] = []
manifest_template['display_name'] = device['FriendlyName']
manifest_template['user'] = device['Username']
plistlib.writePlist(manifest_template, '%s/%s' % (manifests_dir, device['SerialNumber']))
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