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Created June 16, 2010 07:58
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Save jballanc/440303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
framework 'CoreData'
a = NSAttributeDescription.alloc.init
a.setName "EmployeeName"
a.attributeType = NSStringAttributeType
puts "---\nMade an attribute: #{a.description}"
e = NSEntityDescription.alloc.init
e.setName "Employee"
e.setProperties [a]
puts "---\nMade an entity: #{e.description}"
mom = NSManagedObjectModel.alloc.init
mom.setEntities [e]
puts "---\nMade a managed object model #{mom.description}"
p ='@')
test_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.expand_path('~/Desktop/test.sqlite'))
psc = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.alloc.initWithManagedObjectModel(mom)
psc.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: test_url, options: nil, error: p)
puts "---\nMade a persistent store coordinator: #{psc.description}. Errors? #{p[0]}"
moc = NSManagedObjectContext.alloc.init
puts "---\nMade a managed object context: #{moc.description}"
mo = NSManagedObject.alloc.initWithEntity(e, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: moc)
mo.EmployeeName = "Jeff"
puts "---\nMade a managed object: #{mo.description}"
puts "---\nSaved it! Errors? #{p[0]}"
mo = NSManagedObject.alloc.initWithEntity(e, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: moc)
mo.EmployeeName = "Joe"
puts "---\nMade another managed object: #{mo.description}"
puts "---\nSaved it! Errors? #{p[0]}"
mo = NSManagedObject.alloc.initWithEntity(e, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: moc)
mo.EmployeeName = "Jim"
puts "---\nMade another managed object: #{mo.description}"
puts "---\nSaved it! Errors? #{p[0]}"
puts "---\nNow for the serious work..."
mom_copy = mom.copy
puts "---\nCopied the managed object model: #{mom_copy.description}"
b = NSAttributeDescription.alloc.init
b.setName "BossName"
b.attributeType = NSStringAttributeType
puts "---\nNew attribute: #{b.description}"
f = NSEntityDescription.alloc.init
f.setName "Boss"
f.setProperties [b]
puts "---\nNew entity: #{f.description}"
mom_copy.setEntities { |e| e.copy } + [f]
puts "---\nAdded the entity, now our copy has entities: #{ { |e| e.description }}"
map = NSMappingModel.inferredMappingModelForSourceModel(mom, destinationModel: mom_copy, error: p)
puts "---\nMade a mapping model: #{map.description}. Errors? #{p[0]}"
manager = NSMigrationManager.alloc.initWithSourceModel(mom, destinationModel: mom_copy)
puts "---\nMade a migration manager: #{manager.description}"
#mom_copy.setEntities { |m| manager.destinationEntityForEntityMapping(m) }
#pust "---\nUhh...set the entities again. Now our copy has entities: #{ { |e| e.description }}"
puts "---\nHmm...stores? #{ { |s| s.description }}"
puts "---\nWith metadata? #{psc.metadataForPersistentStore(psc.persistentStores.first).description}"
puts "---\n---\nHere we go...\n---\n!"
#require 'fileutils''~/Desktop/test.sqlite'), File.expand_path('~/Desktop/test.sqlite.tmp'))
tmp_url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.expand_path('~/Desktop/test.sqlite.tmp'))
store = psc.persistentStores.first
psc.migratePersistentStore(store, toURL: tmp_url, options: nil, withType: NSSQLiteStoreType, error: p)
puts "Moved the store...#{p[0]}"
manager.migrateStoreFromURL(tmp_url, type: NSSQLiteStoreType, options: nil, withMappingModel: map, toDestinationURL: test_url, destinationType: NSSQLiteStoreType, destinationOptions: nil, error: p)
puts "Success?"
if p[0]
puts "No! :(\nErrors: #{p[0].description}"
puts "YES!!!"
puts "---\nHooking back up..."
mom = mom_copy
psc = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.alloc.initWithManagedObjectModel(mom)
psc.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: test_url, options: nil, error: p)
puts "---\nNew persistent store coordinator: #{psc.description}. Errors? #{p[0]}"
puts "---\nHmm...stores? #{ { |s| s.description }}"
puts "---\nWith metadata? #{psc.metadataForPersistentStore(psc.persistentStores.first).description}"
puts "---\n---\nStatus check!"
puts "Entities in our managed object model: #{ { |e| e.description }}"
puts "Managed object model configurations: #{ { |c| c.description }}"
puts "Entities in the mom in the psc: #{ { |e| e.description }}"
puts "Managed object model configurations of the mom in the psc: #{ { |c| c.description }}"
puts "---\n---\nWhat? Compatible? #{mom.isConfiguration(mom.configurations.first, compatibleWithStoreMetadata: psc.persistentStores.first.metadata)}"
moc = NSManagedObjectContext.alloc.init
puts "---\nMade a new managed object context: #{moc.description}"
mo = NSManagedObject.alloc.initWithEntity(mom.entitiesByName['Employee'], insertIntoManagedObjectContext: moc)
mo.EmployeeName = "Jake"
puts "---\nMade a new managed object: #{mo.description}"
puts "---\nJake's mom: #{e.managedObjectModel.description}\nOur mom: #{mom.description}"
puts "Saved it!"
if p[0]
puts "Uh-oh! #{p[0].userInfo.description}"
mo = NSManagedObject.alloc.initWithEntity(f, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: moc)
mo.BossName = "DaveO"
puts "---\nMade a new managed object with the new entity: #{mo.description}"
puts "Saved it!"
if p[0]
puts "Uh-oh! #{p[0].description}"
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