March 4, 2015 09:16
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set nocompatible " We're running Vim, not Vi! | |
syntax on " Enable syntax highlighting | |
filetype off " Disable filetype detection to keep Vundle happy | |
set shiftwidth=2 " That's a good tab width | |
set expandtab " ...and we don't like tab chars | |
set softtabstop=2 | |
set tw=90 " 90 chars fits two columns on my screen | |
set wrap | |
set fdm=syntax " Use syntax to define folding | |
set fdls=99 " ...but start off unfolded | |
set autoread " Reread files when they change (i.e. git update) | |
set incsearch " Jump to search results | |
set laststatus=2 " Always display the status line | |
set dir=~/.vim/swap " Put all the swap files in .vim/swap | |
set mouse+=a " Enable mouse selection and scrolling in Vim in iTerm | |
set ttymouse=xterm2 " Extended mouse support for window resizing in tmux | |
set tags=tags,ctags " Sometimes we need an alternate tag file name | |
set cedit=<C-t> " The Vim default of C-F doesn't seem to work | |
" Start up vim-plug | |
call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle') | |
" Plugins | |
Plug 'bkad/CamelCaseMotion' | |
Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' | |
Plug 'corntrace/bufexplorer' | |
Plug 'elzr/vim-json' | |
Plug 'guns/vim-slamhound' | |
Plug 'jballanc/YankRing.vim' | |
Plug 'JuliaLang/julia-vim' | |
Plug 'jpalardy/vim-slime' | |
Plug 'kovisoft/paredit' | |
Plug 'nvie/vim-flake8' | |
Plug 'Raimondi/delimitMate' | |
Plug 'rking/ag.vim' | |
Plug 'rkneufeld/vim-boot' | |
Plug 'The-NERD-Tree' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-leiningen' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-markdown' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat' | |
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround' | |
Plug 'typedclojure/vim-typedclojure' | |
Plug 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby' | |
Plug 'xolox/vim-misc' | |
Plug 'xolox/vim-lua-inspect' | |
call plug#end() | |
" Now that Vundle is done... | |
filetype indent plugin on " Enable filetype specific indenting and plugins | |
" Cursor shape for iTerm (with TMUX fix) | |
if !has('gui_running') | |
if exists('$TMUX') | |
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>Ptmux;\<Esc>\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7\<Esc>\\" | |
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>Ptmux;\<Esc>\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7\<Esc>\\" | |
else | |
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7" | |
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7" | |
endif | |
end | |
" Font and colorscheme | |
set gfn=Menlo:h11 | |
let g:solarized_style="dark" | |
let g:solarized_termcolors=16 | |
set t_Co=16 | |
hi cursor guifg=lightgoldenrod | |
colorscheme solarized | |
" Quick light/dark color scheme switching | |
function! ToggleView() | |
if (g:solarized_style=="dark") | |
let g:solarized_style="light" | |
set gfn=Menlo:h22 | |
colorscheme solarized | |
else | |
let g:solarized_style="dark" | |
set gfn=Menlo:h11 | |
colorscheme solarized | |
hi cursor guifg=lightgoldenrod,reverse | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
nnoremap <F6> :call ToggleView()<CR> | |
inoremap <F6> <ESC>:call ToggleView()<CR>a | |
vnoremap <F6> <ESC>:call ToggleView()<CR> | |
" Reveal tabs and trailing whitespace | |
set listchars=tab:»·,trail:· | |
set list | |
" Disable scrollbars and toolbar in MacVim | |
set go-=T | |
set go-=r | |
set go-=L | |
" Ctrl-s for easier escaping | |
nnoremap <C-s> <Esc> | |
vnoremap <C-s> <Esc>gV | |
onoremap <C-s> <Esc> | |
inoremap <C-s> <Esc>`^ | |
cnoremap <C-s> <C-c> | |
" Remap leader | |
let mapleader = "," | |
" Useful function for displaying highlight group | |
nmap <leader>h :call SynStack()<CR> | |
function! SynStack() | |
if !exists("*synstack") | |
return | |
endif | |
echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') | |
endfunc | |
" Readline cursor movement in insert mode | |
noremap! <C-a> <home> | |
noremap! <C-e> <end> | |
noremap! <C-f> <right> | |
noremap! <C-b> <left> | |
noremap! <C-h> <backspace> | |
noremap! <C-d> <delete> | |
" Prevent mistyped :W and :Q | |
command! W w | |
command! Q q | |
" Quick way through the fix list | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>n :cn<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>p :cp<CR> | |
" MacVim independent tab controls | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>to :tabnew<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>tn :tabnext<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>tp :tabprev<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>tx :tabclose<CR> | |
"Open tags in new tabs | |
nnoremap <silent> <C-\> :tab split<CR>:exec("tag ".expand("<cword>"))<CR> | |
" Remap navigation keys with C-w prefix | |
let g:tmux_navigator_no_mappings = 1 | |
nmap <silent> <C-w>h :TmuxNavigateLeft<CR> | |
nmap <silent> <C-w>j :TmuxNavigateDown<CR> | |
nmap <silent> <C-w>k :TmuxNavigateUp<CR> | |
nmap <silent> <C-w>l :TmuxNavigateRight<CR> | |
nmap <silent> <C-w>w :TmuxNavigatePrevious<CR> | |
" Vim-Slime should use tmux, and default to window 1 of this pane | |
let g:slime_target = 'tmux' | |
let g:slime_default_config = {'socket_name': 'default', 'target_pane': '.1'} | |
" Customize delimitMate | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
let delimitMate_expand_cr = 1 | |
let delimitMate_expand_space = 1 | |
let delimitMate_balance_matchpairs = 1 | |
au FileType clojure let b:delimitMate_quotes = "\"" | |
" Customize YankRing | |
let g:yankring_history_file = '.yankring_history' | |
" Customize luainspect | |
let g:lua_inspect_warnings = 0 | |
" Customize CamelCaseMotion | |
map w <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w | |
map b <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b | |
map e <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e | |
sunmap w | |
sunmap b | |
sunmap e | |
" Customize fold line | |
function! FoldText() | |
let indent_level = strlen(v:folddashes) - 1 | |
let indent_width = (indent_level * shiftwidth()) - 1 | |
let indent = "+" . repeat(" ", indent_width) | |
let start_line = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), "^\\s*", "", "") | |
let elipsis = "..." | |
let end_line = substitute(getline(v:foldend), "^\\s*", "", "") | |
return indent . start_line . elipsis . end_line | |
endfunction | |
set foldtext=FoldText() | |
" Customize paredit | |
let g:paredit_smartjump = 1 | |
" Quickly toggle paredit mode | |
nnoremap <silent> <leader>pe :call PareditToggle()<CR> | |
" Customize for Clojure | |
let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent = 1 | |
let g:clojure_fuzzy_indent_patterns = ['^with', '^def', '^let'] | |
let g:clojure_align_multiline_strings = 1 | |
let g:clojure_fold = 1 | |
" SLIME-like controls for Clojure | |
nnoremap <silent> <leader>f :w<CR>:Require<CR> | |
nnoremap <silent> <leader>F :w<CR>:Require!<CR> | |
function! GotoNamespace() | |
execute "SlimeSend1 (clojure.core/in-ns '".fireplace#ns().")" | |
endfunction | |
nnoremap <silent> <leader>g :call GotoNamespace()<CR> | |
" Remove / from keyword char list for better tag jumping in Clojure | |
autocmd FileType clojure setlocal iskeyword-=/ | |
" Ruby indentation should be 2 | |
autocmd FileType ruby setlocal tabstop=2 | |
" Python, JS, C, and Java use a different indentation standard | |
autocmd Filetype python,javascript,c,java setlocal shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 | |
" Python standard is 79 columns and indent can be used for folding | |
autocmd Filetype python setlocal textwidth=79 foldmethod=indent | |
" Spelling for Markdown files | |
autocmd Filetype markdown setlocal spell textwidth=80 | |
" Git commit formatting | |
autocmd Filetype gitcommit setlocal spell textwidth=72 | |
" For NeoVim only: | |
if has('neovim') | |
" Start python support | |
runtime! plugin/python_setup.vim | |
set unnamedclip | |
endif | |
" Now that setup is done... | |
filetype indent plugin on " Enable filetype specific indenting and plugins | |
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