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Created April 2, 2010 15:38
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iPython macros are great for executing the same code over and over.
In [6]: hist
1: _ip.magic("ed xx")
2: from addons.models import AddonRecommendation, Addon
3: import transformer
4: q = Addon.objects.all().transform(transformer.get_trans).filter(id=1865)
5: q.get()
6: _ip.magic("hist ")
In [7]: macro xx 2-5
Macro `xx` created. To execute, type its name (without quotes).
Macro contents:
from addons.models import AddonRecommendation, Addon
import transformer
q = Addon.objects.all().transform(transformer.get_trans).filter(id=1865)
In [8]: store xx
Stored 'xx' (Macro)
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