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Created September 23, 2010 04:24
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A monkeypatch for ``django.dispatch`` to send signals asynchronously.
A monkeypatch for ``django.dispatch`` to send signals asynchronously.
>>> import async_signals
>>> async_signals.start_the_machine()
``django.dispatch.Signal.send`` is replaced with an asynchronous version that
adds the signal to a queue processed on a background thread. The synchronous
``Signal.send`` is still available as ``Signal.sync_send``.
import functools
import logging
import Queue
import threading
from django.dispatch import Signal
from django.db import models
log = logging.getLogger('signals')
_signal_queue = Queue.Queue()
def async_send(self, sender, **named):
# Bail early if no one is listening.
if not self.receivers:
return []
# Django depends on class_prepared being synchronous.
if self is models.signals.class_prepared:
return Signal.sync_send(self, sender, **named)
_signal_queue.put_nowait((self, sender, named))
return []
def listener():
while 1:
# Make sure this thread can't die.
self, sender, kw = _signal_queue.get()
except ValueError:
log.error('Error unpacking queue item.', exc_info=True)
Signal.sync_send(self, sender, **kw)
except Exception:
log.error('Error calling signal.', exc_info=True)
log.critical('Uncaught error.', exc_info=True)
def start_the_machine():
# Monkeypatch!
Signal.sync_send = Signal.send
Signal.send = async_send
# Start the listener.
thread = threading.Thread(target=listener)
thread.daemon = True
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