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Last active June 11, 2019 18:26
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STAC Sprint 4

STAC Sprint 4

June 4-6, 2019

Lots of work around API changes, support for ML/Data Science, and cleaning up core spec/extension examples and schemas. Groups were mostly focused on prepping for a 0.8 release but had 1.0 in mind.

API discussions:

  • Subscritions and notifications for an AOI
    • Not much movement on this.
  • Pagination
    • Current totals for pages and records to the API spec
  • Aggregation
    • How can we describe metadata about collections
    • Needs more work, will probably tie into pagination
  • Query
    • How and what would a query language for STAC look like?
    • CQL? GraphQL?
    • Will be a focus for 0.8 release
  • WFS 3.0
    • Will aim to align with WFS 3.0 as much as possible and propose changes based on work we've done
  • Merge
    • Current imnplementations for a STAC API merge collectiojns level properties with item level properties. This may result in returned items not being valid STAC
    • An explicite merge option in the API may address this
  • Request/Activate/Order Extension
    • How do we deal with data that has not yet been created or processed?
    • What would the asset defintion for an item look like? A UID to a processing endpoint? A promise for returned data?

Non-API discussions:

  • Asset Defintion
    • How will a user know what assets are available in a Collection? Defining the availabe assets at the collection level can help speed up searching and describe the items better.
    • a Property Summary will be aded to the Catalog level which can be used to describe all duplicated properties in an asset.
  • Non-Spatial data
    • How would non-spatial data be referenced in a Catalog as an item? STAC is inherently SpatioTemporal, but we should allow people the ability to use the STAC structure to define anything they wish. Specific rel type pointing to the non spatial data. A validator should warn against this , but not fail.
  • Visualiztion
    • Google is working on a visualiztion extension which allows for recommended asset to be visualzed or bands to be displayed.
  • WMTS
    • Google is implementing a link to their WMTS service in a STAC collection. It would be nice to be able to link to other services in a STAC collection
  • Single Item Extension
    • Ability to describe a catalog and an item in one file. Use case is drone capture for a single point in time and singe AOI.
    • Moving to core
  • Item schema and supported extensions
    • Describe what extensions are supported at the catalog level
    • Will be added to properties so it can be includede in the Property Summary of Asset Definitions

Products that are currently being worked on:

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