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Created November 25, 2018 15:07
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digraph repo {
// dot -Tpng -o git.png && open git.png
rankdir = RL;
node [style="rounded,filled", shape="box", width="1"];
edge [color="#9d9791"];
subgraph cluster_master_0 {
//label = "master";
1 [label="4b078", color="#eff0e7"];
2 [label="1edee", color="#eff0e7"];
3 [label="fbff5", color="#a6f284"];
4 [label="8149a", color="#a6f284"];
5 [label="23ac6", color="#a6f284"];
6 [label="4af42", color="#a6f284"];
6 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1;
subgraph cluster_origin_1 {
//label = "origin/master";
7 [label="738ee", color="#ffc154"];
8 [label="72bbc", color="#ffc154"];
8 -> 7;
7 -> 2;
8 -> 3;
9 [label="master", color="#ff1b00", fontcolor="white", style="filled"];
10 [label="issue54", color="#ff1b00", fontcolor="white", style="filled"];
11 [label="origin/master", color="#ff1b00", fontcolor="white", style="filled"];
9 -> 3;
10 -> 6;
11 -> 8;
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