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Josh Barnes jbarnes439

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jbarnes439 / response-cycle-diagram.pdf
Last active August 16, 2020 23:33
request response cycle and client server analogy
YouTube subscription list endpoint, parameters, and parameter data type example.
Endpoint: GET
required parameter: 'part' - dataTypeGiven: object - allowedValues (string): 'contentDetails', 'id', 'snippet', 'subscriberSnippet'.
optional parameter: channelId - dataTypeGiven: string allowedValue(string): unique ID for the channel requested
optional parameter: maxResults - dataTypeGiven: array of objects, the maximum amount will be integer specified. allowedValue(integer): 0 - 50.
Google Maps geocoding API url,New+York,NY,10004,USA&key=YOUR_API_KEY,Phoenix,AZ,85013,USA&key=YOUR_API_KEY
jbarnes439 / gist:57d47f830ee4848bfb730b81ae50bc04
Created August 30, 2020 17:45
Review MeetUp API documentation
Does this API require authentication?: Yes
Does this API support CORS?: Yes
Find the events search endpoint documentation. Describe in detail the response format of the events search endpoint.
(HINT: You may need other keywords to find this endpoint.):
The current version of the API, v3, serializes all responses as JSON.
Relevant metadata is encoded has HTTP headers with the response.
Made with Amanda McCabe
For my first capstone I want to create a flashcard app.
I have a background in the medical field and I know how hard it can be to study.
The app will be a flashcard app, primarily focusing on anatomy. I would like to continue
expanding the App to cover many areas of anatomy, but will likely start with the skeletal system.
A user will be able to select from a prepopulated list of anatomy questions, but also
be able to create their own questions for self testing. This app is intended to help
medical students really nail down some of the knowledge/terminology that just comes from pure
memorization, of which there is no shortage in the medical field.
User stories:
This is going to be an app designed to help students study on the go.
User Flows:
1. The user, any user at this point, will be directed to the landing page. (index.html) This is where a returning user can log in, or a new user can click a button to sign up - let's follow that.
2. On clicking the sign up button the new user will be directed to a signup form. (signup.html) - Prompted for username, email, desired password.
3. Upon submitting the signup form the user should be directed back to the landing page where they can log in (index.html) OR Upon submitting the signup form the user should be directed to the return-user home page. (user-home.html)
jbarnes439 / Service object
Created January 13, 2021 22:33
A code snippet of a service object I created for the OtakuRisuto app in my portfolio
serializeAnime(includedGenres, animeData) {
// genres will be res.included anime will be
/* set an object where each key is a genreId and each value is the genre title this is
needed to avoid subsequent api calls to the kitsu api for genre data */
let genreObject = {} => {
return genreObject[] = genre.attributes.title
// create an array of anime objects with only the data necessary for our purposes.