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Last active January 21, 2020 20:45
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Utilities for your BASH or ZSH profile that enable running ADB commands on multiple emulators/devices
# Utilities for your BASH or ZSH profile that enable running ADB commands on multiple emulators/devices
function prepend() { while read line; do echo "${1}${line}"; done; }
# requires ADB on $PATH
madb(){ for SERIAL in `adb devices | sed '1d;$d' | cut -f 1`; do adb -s $SERIAL "$@" | prepend "[$SERIAL] "; done; }
# requires
madbe(){ for SERIAL in `adb devices | sed '1d;$d' | cut -f 1`; do adbe -s $SERIAL "$@" | prepend "[$SERIAL] "; done; }
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