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Last active April 27, 2023 15:00
'nbgrep', search the code of all your ipython notebooks
# usage: nbgrep 'pattern'
# 'jq' technique lifted with gratitude
# from
# Break on newlines instead of any whitespace
# IPython Notebook files often have spaces in it
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
if ! type mdfind > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# Use find from findutils
FILES=$(find $SEARCHPATH -name '*.ipynb')
# mdfind uses OSX's spotlight search, so it's almost instant
# generate a list of all the ipynb files in any of the directories
FILES=$(mdfind -onlyin $SEARCHPATH -name '.ipynb')
# On the command line we get the argument to search for
for f in $FILES
# Use 'jq' to filter out only the code in input cells
# Then remove quoting
# Colorize it with pygments (give it the most context possible to get color right)
# And finally, search the remainder for a given pattern
OUTPUT=$(jq '.worksheets[]?.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]?//.input' $f \
| sed 's/^"//g;s/"$//g;s/\\n$//g;s/\\"/"/g;s/\\\\/\\/g;s/\\n/\n/g' \
| pygmentize -l python 2>/dev/null \
| grep $PATTERN)
# If the grep matched anything, print it
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "$f:\n\n$OUTPUT\n\n"
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fperez commented Aug 22, 2014

Hmm, I'm getting an error triggered by this notebook:

longs[notebooks]> jq '.worksheets[].cells[] | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]' shallowWater-threaded.ipynb 
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string
jq: error: Cannot iterate over string

Any thoughts?

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Odd, just getting back to the computer after travel, I will check it out.

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This should now be fixed. It turns out those cells can either be an array of values or a single string. In jq you can do 2 useful things, Put a ? by a variable, which suppresses errors if it doesn't exist, and do //, which is the ability to set a default. So this construction says 'if the array version of .input doesn't exist, use the string version instead.'


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fperez commented Aug 25, 2014

Mmmh, does that need a new version of jq? I'm on 1.2, and I get:

error: Invalid character
.worksheets[]?.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]?//.input


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I tested it on 1.4, I suspect it's a relatively recent feature.

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I'm going to try and write a pure python version of this shortly, this version has some serious issues when your notebook count starts to scale up. I'll keep you posted.

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This is thoughtful! I searched around a bit after you called out limitations, above. I didn't see a similar tool, yet, amazingly. Did you get any time to work on your Python port?

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gmorain commented May 30, 2016

updating the do...done code as follows allows for v4 (Jupyter) notebooks inclusion in search results :

    # Check Notebook JSON format first
    NB_VERSION=$(jq '.nbformat' $f)

    if [ $NB_VERSION -eq 3 ]; then
        # IPython notebook JSON format
        OUTPUT=$(jq '.worksheets[]?.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]?//.input' $f \
            | sed 's/^"//g;s/"$//g;s/\\n$//g;s/\\"/"/g;s/\\\\/\\/g;s/\\n/\n/g' \
            | pygmentize -l python 2>/dev/null \
            | grep $PATTERN)

    elif [ $NB_VERSION -eq 4 ]; then
        # Jupyter notebook JSON format
        OUTPUT=$(jq '.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .source[]?//.source' $f \
            | sed 's/^"//g;s/"$//g;s/\\n$//g;s/\\"/"/g;s/\\\\/\\/g;s/\\n/\n/g' \
            | pygmentize -l python 2>/dev/null \
            | grep $PATTERN)

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D3f0 commented Mar 30, 2017

Is there something like this in a pip installable form?

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Thanks @jbarratt and @gmorain, it just works in ubuntu, a take

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cramjaco commented Mar 2, 2018

I find that when I try to use this function (in Ubuntu Linux), I tend to get lot of repeats of the following. Any idea what gives?

I run ~/Programs/ "phylo_join"

And get lots of repeats of this:

3 compile errors
error: Invalid character
.worksheets[]?.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]?//.input
error: Invalid character
.worksheets[]?.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]?//.input
error: Invalid character
.worksheets[]?.cells[]? | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]?//.input

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Hey everyone, please try out nbcommands, it has a nbgrep command too! And it can simply be installed using pip.

Would love to add any jq feature that it might be missing, please open an issue on the repo for that :)

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