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Created March 2, 2019 15:39
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Script to call spotify API. Functions for current track and top historical artists & songs.
import requests
import os
import logging
# Local file that contains API keys and secrets
from config import Config
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
# create console handler and set level to debug
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# add formatter to ch
# add ch to logger
def get_fresh_access_key():
Will use the 'spotify_refresh' environment variables
to request a new access token
'''"Refreshing access key...")
client_id = Config.spotify_client_id
client_secret = Config.spotify_client_secret
refresh_token = Config.spotify_refresh
data = {
'refresh_token': refresh_token,
'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
response ='', data=data)
# Set an environment variable
access = response.json()['access_token']
Config.access = access
return access
def make_api_call(func, **kwargs):
Checks the response from the API and returns the appropriate data.
Will refresh token if necessary.
Returns the JSON data from the API containing current track info
if not Config.access:
Config.access = get_fresh_access_key()
response = func(**kwargs)
# Refresh token and try again
if response.status_code == 401:"Token likely expired. Refreshing token now")
response = func(**kwargs)
code = response.status_code
if code == 200:"We are all good")
return response.json()
elif code == 204:"No current track being played")
return None
elif code == 403:
logger.warning("403 - Forbidden - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.")
return None
else:"Code = {code}. Response.content: \n")
return None
def api_current_track():
Standard API call to get the current track
Returns the response from the API
auth = f'Bearer {Config.access}'
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': auth,
params = (
('market', 'ES'),
response = requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params)
return response
def current_track_data():
Takes the JSON from the API call for current track
and creates a dictionary with the specific attributes we want
Returns a dictionary of current track info
data = make_api_call(api_current_track)
jboy['artist'] = data['item']['artists'][0]['name']
jboy['album'] = data['item']['album']['name']
jboy['release_date'] = data['item']['album']['release_date']
jboy['song'] = data['item']['name']
jboy['album_art'] = data['item']['album']['images'][1]['url']
# Calculate time into song
total_seconds = data['progress_ms'] / 1000.0
minutes = int(total_seconds // 60)
seconds = str(int(total_seconds % 60)).zfill(2)
jboy['time_elapsed'] = f"{minutes}:{seconds}"
except Exception as e:
jboy['status'] = 'issue with data clean up'
if data['currently_playing_type'] == 'episode':
jboy['artist'] = 'podcast'
jboy['album'] = 'podcast'
jboy['song'] = 'podcast'
jboy['status'] = 'podcast'
return jboy
def api_top_user_data(limit=20, time_range='short_term', data_requested='artists'):
Standard API call for pulling data on users
stats (artist and track plays)
if data_requested not in ['artists','tracks']:
raise ValueError("data_requested argument must be ['artist','tracks']")
if time_range not in ['short_term','medium_term','long_term']:
raise ValueError("time_range argument must be ['short_term','medium_term','long_term']")
if not 1 <= limit <= 50:
raise ValueError("Limit must be between 1 and 50")
headers = {
'Authorization': f"Bearer {Config.access}",
params = {'limit':f'{limit}',
response = requests.get(f'{data_requested}', headers=headers, params=params)
return response
def top_artists(limit=1, time_range='short_term', data_requested='artists'):
Will pull data for the top artists played.
Returns a dictionary with rank and info
data = make_api_call(api_top_user_data, limit=limit, time_range=time_range, data_requested=data_requested)
art_dict = {}
i = 1
for result in data['items']:
art_dict[i] = {}
art_dict[i]['artist'] = result['name']
art_dict[i]['popularity'] = result['popularity']
art_dict[i]['image'] = result['images'][2]['url']
except IndexError:
art_dict[i]['image'] = 'Sorry no image'
i += 1
return art_dict
def top_tracks(limit=1, time_range='short_term', data_requested='tracks'):
Will pull data for the top tracks played.
Returns a dictionary with rank and info
data = make_api_call(api_top_user_data, limit=limit, time_range=time_range, data_requested=data_requested)
track_dict = {}
i = 1
for result in data['items']:
track_dict[i] = {}
track_dict[i]['song_name'] = result['name']
track_dict[i]['artist_name'] = result['artists'][0]['name']
track_dict[i]['album_name'] = result['album']['name']
track_dict[i]['image'] = result['album']['images'][2]['url']
except IndexError:
track_dict[i]['image'] = 'Sorry no image'
i += 1
return track_dict
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