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Created December 29, 2014 09:52
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Bintray publish config
repo: "maven" #name of the Bintray repository to deploy to
userOrg: "optionalOr" #optinal: organization that the repository belongs to. If not set, the subject will be the user executing the call
name: "mypkg" #name of the package to deploy to. Will be created if not exists
desc: "what a fantastic package indeed!"
websiteUrl: ""
issueTrackerUrl: ""
vcsUrl: ""
licenses: # list of licenses of the package from this list:
- "Apache-2.0"
- "LGPL-3.0"
labels: #a.k.a. tags
- "gear"
- "gore"
- "gorilla"
publicDownloadNumbers: true #should the statistics be public?
attributes: #attributes on package, see explanation about attribute types here:
- ay1
- ay2
- bee
c: cee
name: "1.3-Final" #name of the version. Will be created if not exists
desc: "optional, version-specific description"
released: "2014-10-01" #optional release date, if not specified will be set to publishing date
vcsTag: "1.3.0" #optional tag in version control
- gradle-plugin: "com.use.less:com.use.less.gradle:gradle-useless-plugin" #similar to package attributes, on version level
sign: true #optional automatic signing of the files in the version
passphrase: "optional, the passphrase for GPG signing"
sync: true #optional automatic syncing the version to Maven Central
user: "userToken"
password: "paasword"
close: true
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