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Last active March 28, 2016 10:27
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ethchamps-DAO proposal


DAO contract upgradable

  • If there is more than 75% of members that agree to migrate to a new contract, all the DAO funds are sent to the new DAO, and this contract gets obsoleted.


To be a member

  • The contract will be created with at least 3 founders members.
  • Every month there will be a voting "member candidates election" for accepting new members between all proposed "member candidates". All members decide between each candidate, which one is accepted and which one not. To be accepted, 75% of the votes must be favorable.
  • To be a "member candidate", interested people must have this conditions:
    • Fill a form and send it to the contract with 1ETH.
    • Receive an endorsement of three members.* Candidates must pay an anual quote of 1ETH* New candidates will not have the right to vote until after 3 months of the election.

To lose membership

  • People who does not pay the anual quota, will lose automatically the membership.
  • Every month, at the same time that the "candidate election", will be a "expelled election" Candidates that don't receive 50% aproval, will be expelled.


  • Every member can select one favorite administrator. Members can change the favorite administrator when they want.
  • The administrator will be the one that has more votes.


Project proposition and evaluation

  • Any member can propose a project.
  • Any member can evaluate each proposed project from 0 to 10.

Project acceptation.

Once a month, the administrators elaborates a poll that that is answered for the members. The result of the poll will determine the accepted projects uniquely.

If any member is not convinced with the poll, he can change his favorite administrator.

If at the end of the poll, the administrator does not have the majority, no project will be selected and the new administrator will have to elaborate a new poll.

If the administrator survives, then the result of the poll determines which projects are accepted.

The Poll consist of 0 to N single choice questions, and a function that for each set of answers, a set of projects are selected uniquely and known before the option starts.

Project execution

  • Once each project is accepted, the money for that project is reserved.
  • When the project is done, project owner notifies it and members has 15 days to vote if it is relly done or not. If it's done, the project owner will receive more than 75% of the votes favorable, the project owner will receive the money.


  • Any body can make a donation to any project. If the project is not accepted, the money will be returned.
  • Any body can assign money to the association.
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