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Created June 9, 2018 19:45
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
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function padInt(int){
if(int < 10){
return "0" + int;
return int;
function timeConversion(s) {
let AMPM = s.slice(-2);
let time = s.slice(0,-2).split(":");
let hour = parseInt(time[0]);
let minute = parseInt(time[1]);
let second = parseInt(time[2]);
let result = "";
//Testing parser
console.log("Input: " + s + "\nHour(s): " + hour + ", Minute(s): " + minute + ", Second(s): " + second + ", AM or PM: " + AMPM +".");
/*Logical options
12:00:00AM to 12:59:59AM -> H == 12 && AM -> H - 12
01:00:00AM to 11:59:59AM -> drop AM
12:00:00PM -> 12:00:00 so drop PM only
12:01:00PM to 11:59:59PM -> drop PM, add 12 to H
if(hour == "12" && AMPM == "AM"){
result = padInt(hour - 12) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
else if(AMPM == "AM" || hour == "12" && AMPM == "PM"){
result = padInt(hour) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
else if(AMPM === "PM"){
result = padInt(hour + 12) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
return result;
function formingMagicSquare(s) {
const debug = true;
1. Identify duplicate numbers (non-destinct) in the matrix
2. Look at rows with duplicates to identify distance to magicConst
3. Make swaps to values in rows to magic constant is achieved, increment cost
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for columns and diagonals
5. Some iteration to make sure changes don't break other rows/columns/diags
6. Return the cost
let magicConst = 15;
let cost = 0;
let uniqueS = [0,0,0][0,0,0][0,0,0];
//should initiate arrays based on dim size after setting dim based on s
let dim = 3;
let rowSum = [0,0,0];
let columnSum = [0,0,0];
let diagSum = [0,0];
//Step 1
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){
if(debug){ console.log(uniqueS); }
//calculate the different sums to determine the magic constant
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < dim; j++){
rowSum[i] += s[i][j];
columnSum[j] += s[i][j];
if(i == j){ diagSum[0] += s[i][j]; }
if(i + j == dim -1){ diagSum[1] += s[i][j]; }
console.log("Rows: " + rowSum + ", Columns: " + columnSum + ", Diagonals: " + diagSum + ".");
/* Overkill after re-reading the problem statement
let magicAvg = 0;
let magicSum = 0;
//computer average to get magic constant
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){ magicSum += rowSum[i] + columnSum[i]; }
magicSum += diagSum[0] + diagSum[1];
magicAvg = magicSum / (rowSum.length + columnSum.length + diagSum.length);
console.log(rowSum.length + columnSum.length + diagSum.length + " - " + magicConst);
//optimize by rounding to the nearest whole number
//optimize by rounding the other direction
function superHero(power, bullets) {
console.log("Power: " + power + ", bullets: " + bullets + ".");
let initialBullets = 0;
let aquiredBullets = [];
let powerN = [][];
let bulletsM = [][];
Need to figure out what N and M are respectively
N = number of levels
M = number of enemeies on each level
//Guessing N and M based on length of P and B
// N * M must be equal to power.length == bullets.length
let N = 3;
let M = 3;
function useBullets(N,power){
if(acquiredBullets[N-1] < power){}
else if(acquiredBullets[N-1] + )
// break power and bullets into matrices
for(let i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < M; j++){
powerN[i][j] = power[i * N + j - 1];
bulletsM[i][j] = bullets[i * N + j - 1];
//Traverse the levels
if(initialBullts < powerN[0][0]){ initialBullets = bulletsM[0][0]; }
for(let i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < M; j++){
if(initialBullts < powerN[i][j]){}
return initialBullets;
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">/*
function padInt(int){
if(int < 10){
return "0" + int;
return int;
function timeConversion(s) {
let AMPM = s.slice(-2);
let time = s.slice(0,-2).split(":");
let hour = parseInt(time[0]);
let minute = parseInt(time[1]);
let second = parseInt(time[2]);
let result = "";
//Testing parser
console.log("Input: " + s + "\nHour(s): " + hour + ", Minute(s): " + minute + ", Second(s): " + second + ", AM or PM: " + AMPM +".");
/*Logical options
12:00:00AM to 12:59:59AM -> H == 12 && AM -> H - 12
01:00:00AM to 11:59:59AM -> drop AM
12:00:00PM -> 12:00:00 so drop PM only
12:01:00PM to 11:59:59PM -> drop PM, add 12 to H
if(hour == "12" && AMPM == "AM"){
result = padInt(hour - 12) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
else if(AMPM == "AM" || hour == "12" && AMPM == "PM"){
result = padInt(hour) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
else if(AMPM === "PM"){
result = padInt(hour + 12) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
return result;
function formingMagicSquare(s) {
const debug = true;
1. Identify duplicate numbers (non-destinct) in the matrix
2. Look at rows with duplicates to identify distance to magicConst
3. Make swaps to values in rows to magic constant is achieved, increment cost
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for columns and diagonals
5. Some iteration to make sure changes don't break other rows/columns/diags
6. Return the cost
let magicConst = 15;
let cost = 0;
let uniqueS = [0,0,0][0,0,0][0,0,0];
//should initiate arrays based on dim size after setting dim based on s
let dim = 3;
let rowSum = [0,0,0];
let columnSum = [0,0,0];
let diagSum = [0,0];
//Step 1
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){
if(debug){ console.log(uniqueS); }
//calculate the different sums to determine the magic constant
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < dim; j++){
rowSum[i] += s[i][j];
columnSum[j] += s[i][j];
if(i == j){ diagSum[0] += s[i][j]; }
if(i + j == dim -1){ diagSum[1] += s[i][j]; }
console.log("Rows: " + rowSum + ", Columns: " + columnSum + ", Diagonals: " + diagSum + ".");
/* Overkill after re-reading the problem statement
let magicAvg = 0;
let magicSum = 0;
//computer average to get magic constant
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){ magicSum += rowSum[i] + columnSum[i]; }
magicSum += diagSum[0] + diagSum[1];
magicAvg = magicSum / (rowSum.length + columnSum.length + diagSum.length);
console.log(rowSum.length + columnSum.length + diagSum.length + " - " + magicConst);
//optimize by rounding to the nearest whole number
//optimize by rounding the other direction
function superHero(power, bullets) {
console.log("Power: " + power + ", bullets: " + bullets + ".");
let initialBullets = 0;
let aquiredBullets = [];
let powerN = [][];
let bulletsM = [][];
Need to figure out what N and M are respectively
N = number of levels
M = number of enemeies on each level
//Guessing N and M based on length of P and B
// N * M must be equal to power.length == bullets.length
let N = 3;
let M = 3;
function useBullets(N,power){
if(acquiredBullets[N-1] < power){}
else if(acquiredBullets[N-1] + )
// break power and bullets into matrices
for(let i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < M; j++){
powerN[i][j] = power[i * N + j - 1];
bulletsM[i][j] = bullets[i * N + j - 1];
//Traverse the levels
if(initialBullts < powerN[0][0]){ initialBullets = bulletsM[0][0]; }
for(let i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < M; j++){
if(initialBullts < powerN[i][j]){}
return initialBullets;
function padInt(int){
if(int < 10){
return "0" + int;
return int;
function timeConversion(s) {
let AMPM = s.slice(-2);
let time = s.slice(0,-2).split(":");
let hour = parseInt(time[0]);
let minute = parseInt(time[1]);
let second = parseInt(time[2]);
let result = "";
//Testing parser
console.log("Input: " + s + "\nHour(s): " + hour + ", Minute(s): " + minute + ", Second(s): " + second + ", AM or PM: " + AMPM +".");
/*Logical options
12:00:00AM to 12:59:59AM -> H == 12 && AM -> H - 12
01:00:00AM to 11:59:59AM -> drop AM
12:00:00PM -> 12:00:00 so drop PM only
12:01:00PM to 11:59:59PM -> drop PM, add 12 to H
if(hour == "12" && AMPM == "AM"){
result = padInt(hour - 12) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
else if(AMPM == "AM" || hour == "12" && AMPM == "PM"){
result = padInt(hour) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
else if(AMPM === "PM"){
result = padInt(hour + 12) + ":" + padInt(minute) + ":" + padInt(second);
return result;
function formingMagicSquare(s) {
const debug = true;
1. Identify duplicate numbers (non-destinct) in the matrix
2. Look at rows with duplicates to identify distance to magicConst
3. Make swaps to values in rows to magic constant is achieved, increment cost
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for columns and diagonals
5. Some iteration to make sure changes don't break other rows/columns/diags
6. Return the cost
let magicConst = 15;
let cost = 0;
let uniqueS = [0,0,0][0,0,0][0,0,0];
//should initiate arrays based on dim size after setting dim based on s
let dim = 3;
let rowSum = [0,0,0];
let columnSum = [0,0,0];
let diagSum = [0,0];
//Step 1
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){
if(debug){ console.log(uniqueS); }
//calculate the different sums to determine the magic constant
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < dim; j++){
rowSum[i] += s[i][j];
columnSum[j] += s[i][j];
if(i == j){ diagSum[0] += s[i][j]; }
if(i + j == dim -1){ diagSum[1] += s[i][j]; }
console.log("Rows: " + rowSum + ", Columns: " + columnSum + ", Diagonals: " + diagSum + ".");
/* Overkill after re-reading the problem statement
let magicAvg = 0;
let magicSum = 0;
//computer average to get magic constant
for(let i = 0; i < dim; i++){ magicSum += rowSum[i] + columnSum[i]; }
magicSum += diagSum[0] + diagSum[1];
magicAvg = magicSum / (rowSum.length + columnSum.length + diagSum.length);
console.log(rowSum.length + columnSum.length + diagSum.length + " - " + magicConst);
//optimize by rounding to the nearest whole number
//optimize by rounding the other direction
function superHero(power, bullets) {
console.log("Power: " + power + ", bullets: " + bullets + ".");
let initialBullets = 0;
let aquiredBullets = [];
let powerN = [][];
let bulletsM = [][];
Need to figure out what N and M are respectively
N = number of levels
M = number of enemeies on each level
//Guessing N and M based on length of P and B
// N * M must be equal to power.length == bullets.length
let N = 3;
let M = 3;
function useBullets(N,power){
if(acquiredBullets[N-1] < power){}
else if(acquiredBullets[N-1] + )
// break power and bullets into matrices
for(let i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < M; j++){
powerN[i][j] = power[i * N + j - 1];
bulletsM[i][j] = bullets[i * N + j - 1];
//Traverse the levels
if(initialBullts < powerN[0][0]){ initialBullets = bulletsM[0][0]; }
for(let i = 0; i < N; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < M; j++){
if(initialBullts < powerN[i][j]){}
return initialBullets;
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