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Created January 9, 2019 18:56
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code from class, 2019-01-09
#lang typed/racket
(require typed/rackunit)
;; given a number, return the fizzbuzz game string
(define (fizzbuzz-num [n : Natural]) : String
(cond [(= 0 (modulo n 15)) "fizzbuzz"]
[(= 0 (modulo n 3)) "fizz"]
[(= 0 (modulo n 5)) "buzz"]
[else (number->string n)]))
(check-equal? (fizzbuzz-num 9) "fizz")
(check-equal? (fizzbuzz-num 10) "buzz")
(check-equal? (fizzbuzz-num 11) "11")
(check-equal? (fizzbuzz-num 15) "fizzbuzz")
(define-type Text (U Poem Essay))
(struct Poem ([title : String] [lines : Natural] [rhymes? : Boolean])
(struct Essay ([title : String] [thesis : String])
(Poem "My Left Arm" 6 #f)
(Essay "My Right Arm" "My right hand is better than my left.")
;; does the string start with q?
(define (starts-with-q? [s : String])
(equal? (string-ref s 0) #\Q))
;; return the first character of the title
(define (text-first-char [t : Text]) : Char
(match t
;; silly extra match clause to illustrate how the `?` pattern works:
[(Poem (? starts-with-q? _) _ _) #\Q]
[(Poem t _ _) (string-ref t 0)]
[(Essay t _) (string-ref t 0)]))
(check-equal? (text-first-char (Poem "The Lion Roars"
12 #t))
(check-equal? (text-first-char (Essay "On Liberty"
"Politics is complicated."))
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