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Created October 24, 2012 22:02
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A simple example of using Racket and 2htdp/universe to create a bunch of sliders on the screen
(require 2htdp/universe)
(require 2htdp/image)
; Copyright 2012, John Clements (
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
;; - LOCAL
;; demo of some sliders
;; a world is
;; (make-ws list-of-components maybe-component boolean number number)
;; interp:
;; - cs: the list of components in the world,
;; - live: the posn of the component currently being dragged,
;; - W : the width of the scene, and
;; - H : the height of the scene
(define-struct ws (cs live W H))
;; a list-of-components is either
;; - empty, or
;; - (cons component list-of-components)
;; a component is (make-component vslider posn)
;; interp:
;; - s : the slider (currently, only sliders are allowed)
;; - posn : the location of the upper-left corner of the component
;; within the global scene.
(define-struct component (s posn))
;; NOTE: the 'posn' structure is already defined.
;; a maybe-component is either
;; - false, or
;; - a posn
;; interp. false -> no slider is live,
;; - posn, e.g. (make-posn 30 40) -> the component at 30,40 is live
;; NOTE: if two components have the same x and y, we're in big trouble.
;; a vslider is (make-vslider number number fraction)
;; interp:
;; - W : the width of the slider on the screen
;; - H : the height of the slider on the screen
;; - val : the fraction representing the position of
;; the slider; 0 is at the bottom, 1 is at the top.
(define-struct vslider (W H val))
;; a fraction is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive
(define VSLIDER-HANDLE-H 40)
;; draw the world
;; world -> image
(define (draw-world ws)
(place-components (ws-cs ws)
(empty-scene (ws-W ws) (ws-H ws))))
;; place-components : list-of-components scene -> scene
;; place all of the given components onto the scene
(define (place-components comps scene)
(cond [(empty? comps) scene]
[else (place-components
(rest comps)
(place-component (first comps)
;; place-component : component scene -> scene
;; place the image of the component onto the scene
;; (tested indirectly.)
(define (place-component c s)
(place-image (draw-vslider (component-s c))
(+ (posn-x (component-posn c)) (/ (component-width c) 2))
(+ (posn-y (component-posn c)) (/ (component-height c) 2))
;; draw a vertical slider
;; slider -> image
(define (draw-vslider vs)
[(define w (vslider-W vs))
(define h (vslider-H vs))
(define slot-len (- h (* 2 SLOT-OFFSET)))
(define slider-pixels (- (+ slot-len SLOT-OFFSET)
(* slot-len (vslider-val vs))))]
(text (number->string (min 99 (round (* (vslider-val vs) 100))))
(rectangle w VSLIDER-HANDLE-H "solid" (make-color #xE0 #xD0 #x90)))
(/ w 2) slider-pixels
(add-line (rectangle w h "solid" "white")
(/ w 2) SLOT-OFFSET (/ w 2) (- h SLOT-OFFSET)
(make-pen "black" 7 "solid" "round" "round")))))
;; handle a mouse event;
;; world number number string -> world
(define (meh ws x y event)
(cond [(string=? event "button-down")
[(define chosen-component (xy->component (ws-cs ws) x y))]
;; missed all components, leave the world state alone:
(cond [(false? chosen-component) ws]
;; hit one: turn it on:
(make-ws (components-posn-update
(ws-cs ws)
(ws-W ws)
(ws-H ws))]))]
[(string=? event "button-up")
;; turn the live one off:
(make-ws (ws-cs ws) #f (ws-W ws) (ws-H ws))]
(cond [(false? (ws-live ws)) ws]
;; one of them is already live
(make-ws (components-posn-update (ws-cs ws) (ws-live ws) y)
(ws-live ws)
(ws-W ws)
(ws-H ws))])]))
;; components-posn-update : list-of-components posn number
;; return a list of components with the chosen component updated
;; to the position indicated by the mouse
(define (components-posn-update comps live y)
(cond [(empty? comps) (error 'components-posn-update
"no matching component")]
[else (cond
[(equal? (component-posn (first comps)) live)
;; found it!
(cons (component-posn-update (first comps) y)
(rest comps))]
[else ;; keep searching:
(cons (first comps)
(components-posn-update (rest comps) live y))])]))
;; component-posn-update : component number -> component
;; update the given component to reflect the y position of the mouse
;; (tested indirectly.)
(define (component-posn-update c y)
(slider-posn-update (component-s c) (- y (posn-y (component-posn c))))
(component-posn c)))
;; slider-posn-update: slider number -> slider
;; given a vertical slider and a Y mouse position relative to the
;; slider, update the slider accordingly
(define (slider-posn-update vs ypos)
[(define range (- (vslider-H vs)
(define capped (max SLOT-OFFSET
(min (- (vslider-H vs) SLOT-OFFSET)
(define new-posn (- 1.0
(/ (- capped SLOT-OFFSET) range)))]
(make-vslider (vslider-W vs) (vslider-H vs) new-posn)))
;; component-width : the width of the component
;; [tested indirectly]
(define (component-width c) (vslider-W (component-s c)))
;; component-height : the height of the component
;; [tested indirectly]
(define (component-height c) (vslider-H (component-s c)))
;; determine which component a mouse position is in
;; xy->component : number number -> maybe-component
(define (xy->component components x y)
(cond [(empty? components) false]
[else (local [(define fc (first components))]
(cond [(in-bounding-box? fc x y)
(component-posn fc)]
[else (xy->component (rest components) x y)]))]))
;; in-bounding-box? : component pixels pixels -> boolean
;; determine whether an x and a y are in the bounding box of a
;; component.
(define (in-bounding-box? component x y)
(local [(define p (component-posn component))]
(and (<= (posn-x p) x (sub1 (+ (posn-x p)
(component-width component))))
(<= (posn-y p) y (sub1 (+ (posn-y p)
(component-height component)))))))
(big-bang (make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 400 0.2)
(make-posn 50 30))
(make-component (make-vslider 50 400 0.2)
(make-posn 105 30))
(make-component (make-vslider 50 400 0.2)
(make-posn 160 30))
(make-component (make-vslider 50 400 0.2)
(make-posn 215 30))
(make-component (make-vslider 50 400 0.2)
(make-posn 270 30)))
375 460)
[on-mouse meh]
[to-draw draw-world])
(make-vslider 50 200 1.0))
(text "99" 35 "black")
(rectangle 100 40 "solid" (make-color #xE0 #xD0 #x90)))
25 20
(add-line (rectangle 50 200 "solid" "white")
25 20 25 180
(make-pen "black" 7 "solid" "round" "round"))))
(make-vslider 50 300 0.5))
(text "50" 35 "black")
(rectangle 100 40 "solid" (make-color #xE0 #xD0 #x90)))
25 150
(add-line (rectangle 50 300 "solid" "white")
25 20 25 280
(make-pen "black" 7 "solid" "round" "round"))))
(slider-posn-update (make-vslider 50 540 0.2) 145)
(make-vslider 50 540 3/4))
(list (make-component (make-vslider 30 100 1/2) (make-posn 15 10))
(make-component (make-vslider 40 80 3/4) (make-posn 45 5)))
(empty-scene 400 500))
(place-image (draw-vslider (make-vslider 40 80 3/4))
65 45
(place-image (draw-vslider (make-vslider 30 100 1/2))
30 60
(empty-scene 400 500))))
(list (make-component (make-vslider 30 100 1/2) (make-posn 15 10))
(make-component (make-vslider 40 80 3/4) (make-posn 45 5)))
(make-posn 45 5)
(list (make-component (make-vslider 30 100 1/2) (make-posn 15 10))
(make-component (make-vslider 40 80 1) (make-posn 45 5))))
(define test-component (make-component (make-vslider 30 40 1/2)
(make-posn -50 16)))
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -51 16) #f)
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -50 15) #f)
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -50 16) #t)
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -21 16) #t)
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -20 16) #f)
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -21 55) #t)
(check-expect (in-bounding-box? test-component -21 56) #f)
(define example-components
(list (make-component (make-vslider 100 150 0.1) (make-posn 30 40))
(make-component (make-vslider 10 30 0.5) (make-posn 140 20))))
(check-expect (xy->component example-components 0 0) false)
(check-expect (xy->component example-components 30 40) (make-posn 30 40))
(check-expect (xy->component example-components 35 45) (make-posn 30 40))
(check-expect (xy->component example-components 130 45) false)
(check-expect (xy->component example-components 141 45) (make-posn 140 20))
(draw-world (make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 150 0.3)
(make-posn 23 49)))
500 300))
(place-image (draw-vslider (make-vslider 50 150 0.3))
(+ 23 25) (+ 49 75)
(empty-scene 500 300)))
(meh (make-ws (list (make-component (make-vslider 50 540 0.2)
(make-posn 0 0)))
(make-posn 0 0)
50 540)
100 145 "move")
(make-ws (list (make-component (make-vslider 50 540 3/4)
(make-posn 0 0)))
(make-posn 0 0)
50 540))
;; ignored move:
(meh (make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5)
(make-posn 0 0)))
50 540)
100 145 "move")
(make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5) (make-posn 0 0)))
50 540))
;; missed click:
(meh (make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5)
(make-posn 0 0)))
50 540)
100 145 "button-down")
(make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5)
(make-posn 0 0)))
50 540))
;; hit click
(meh (make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5)
(make-posn 0 0)))
50 540)
40 145 "button-down")
(make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 3/4)
(make-posn 0 0)))
(make-posn 0 0)
50 540))
;; release:
(meh (make-ws (list
(make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5)
(make-posn 0 0))) #t
50 540)
100 145 "button-up")
(make-ws (list (make-component (make-vslider 50 540 1/5)
(make-posn 0 0))) #f
50 540))
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