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Forked from otherjoel/spf-fail.rkt
Created February 10, 2023 18:19
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Generate a form email to explain to someone at another company that their SPF is broken
#lang racket/base
;; Generate a form email to let someone know their SPF records are misconfigured for their current email provider.
;; Run (fill-report "" "") where the 2nd arg is the sending email server's IP address.
;; It will copy the completed report to the clipboard for you.
;; Only works on Windows for now.
(require net/dns
(provide (all-defined-out))
(struct provider (name spf doc-link))
(define my-company-name "My Co")
(define my-direct-phone "800-488-8888")
;; Common email providers and their required SPF directives. Will build this up over time.
(define server-providers
"google\\.com" (provider "Google Domains"
"pp(?:e\\-)hosted\\.com" (provider "Proofpoint"
"pobox\\.com" (provider "Pobox"
"livemail\\.co\\.uk" (provider "Fasthosts Livemail"
"a ip4: ip4: mx"
"yandex\\.net" (provider "Yandex"
"outlook\\.com" (provider "Microsoft 365"
"protection\\.office365\\.us" (provider "Microsoft 365 GCC High"
"securence\\.com" (provider "Securence"
"This is based on recent SPF records from other companies that use Securence; you should confirm this with Securence support.")
"cloudfilter\\.net" (provider "BlueHost"
"\\.qq\\.com" (provider ""
(define (server->provider domain)
(for/or ([pat (in-hash-keys server-providers)])
(and (regexp-match? (regexp pat) domain) (hash-ref server-providers pat))))
(define (run+parse executable args pat [selector-proc car])
(define exe-path
(match (find-executable-path executable #f)
[(? path? p) p]
[_ (raise-user-error 'run+parse "could not find path for executable ~a" executable)]))
(define cmd (format "~a ~a" exe-path args))
(define result
(parameterize ([current-error-port (open-output-string)]) ; throw away any error output
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (system cmd)))))
(regexp-match* pat result #:match-select selector-proc))
; This only works on Windows for now
(define (get-spf domain)
(run+parse "nslookup.exe" (format "-type=txt ~a" domain) #rx"(v=spf1[^\"]+)"))
(define (get-mx-service domain)
(server->provider (string-downcase (dns-get-mail-exchanger (dns-find-nameserver) domain))))
(define (ipv4->provider ip-str)
(define server (reverse-lookup ip-str))
(or (server->provider server)
(provider (format "Unknown: ~a" server) "[unknown]" "[unknown]")))
(define (get-registrar domain)
(match (run+parse "whois.exe" (format "-v ~a" domain) #rx"Registrar: (?m:(.+)$)" last)
[(? list? results) (map string-trim results)]
[(var results) results]))
(define (reverse-lookup ip-addr)
(dns-get-name (dns-find-nameserver) ip-addr))
(define (fill-report domain sender-ip)
(define spf (car (get-spf domain)))
(match-define (provider mail-provider-name provider-spf provider-docs) (ipv4->provider sender-ip))
(define registrar (last (get-registrar domain)))
(define report-fields
(hash "{COMPANY}" my-company-name
"{MY-PHONE}" my-direct-phone
"{DOMAIN}" domain
"{SENDER-IP}" sender-ip
"{SERVICE}" mail-provider-name
"{DIRECTIVE}" provider-spf
"{DOCS}" provider-docs
"{REGISTRAR}" registrar))
(define filled-report
(regexp-replace* (regexp (string-join (hash-keys report-fields) "|")) report
(lambda (match-str) (hash-ref report-fields match-str match-str))))
(display filled-report)
(send the-clipboard set-clipboard-string filled-report 0))
(define report #<<REPORT
I’m the IT admin at {COMPANY}. We’re having trouble receiving emails from your organization; they are being sent from a server that {DOMAIN} does not list as one of its legitimate servers. When this happens, the emails are marked as Fraud and cannot be released for delivery by anyone except a system administrator.
I’ve included some details about the problem and how to fix it below. If you do not have access to your company’s DNS records, please forward this email to someone in an IT role. If anyone would like to contact me directly, I would be happy to help: my direct number is {MY-PHONE}. (A phone call might be best in this case — because of this email issue.)
This problem is likely hurting the deliverability of your emails to other companies as well. SPF checks are one of the basic ways that companies are increasingly using to combat spam and phishing threats.
More details:
Some or all of the emails being sent from @{DOMAIN} to {COMPANY} are being delivered by a server with the IP address {SENDER-IP}, but this address is not listed as a legitimate server in the SPF records for {DOMAIN}.
{DOMAIN}'s current SPF record is: {SPFRECORD}
Your email headers indicate that your organization is using {SERVICE} to send your emails, and indeed, your SPF record shown above is missing some or all of the servers used by {SERVICE}.
Suggested actions:
Since your organization sends email via {SERVICE}, you MUST include the directive {DIRECTIVE} in your SPF record. ({DOCS})
The {DOMAIN} domain appears to be registered through “{REGISTRAR}”. The person at your organization with access to the {REGISTRAR} account for the {DOMAIN} domain should log in and update the above SPF record.

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