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Created October 5, 2018 22:04
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afternoon code from friday
#lang typed/racket
(require typed/rackunit)
(define-type Value String)
(define-type ExprC (U ConcatC StrC))
(struct ConcatC ([l : ExprC] [r : ExprC])
(struct StrC ([s : String]) #:transparent)
(ConcatC (StrC "abc") (StrC "def"))
;; parse an expression
(define (parse [s : Sexp]) : ExprC
(match s
[(? string? str) (StrC str)]
[(list l '+ r) (ConcatC (parse l) (parse r))]
[other (error 'parse "ouch!")]))
(check-equal? (parse '"apple") (StrC "apple"))
(check-equal? (parse '{"abc" + {"d" + "ef"}})
(ConcatC (StrC "abc")
(ConcatC (StrC "d")
(StrC "ef"))))
;; evaluate an expression
(define (interp [exp : ExprC]) : Value
(match exp
[(StrC s) s]
[(ConcatC l r) (string-append (interp l) (interp r))]))
(check-equal? (interp (StrC "apple")) "apple")
(check-equal? (interp (ConcatC (StrC "abc")
(ConcatC (StrC "d")
(StrC "ef"))))
#;((check-equal? (interp (parse '"apple")) "apple")
(check-equal? (interp (parse '{"abc" + "def"}))
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