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Last active May 29, 2018 09:13
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from __future__ import print_function
import re
import sys
import os
import csv
from pymongo import MongoClient
# guarantee unicode string
def _u(t):
return t.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') if isinstance(t, str) else t
def _uu(*tt):
return tuple(_u(t) for t in tt)
# guarantee byte string in UTF8 encoding
def _u8(t):
return t.encode('UTF-8', 'replace') if isinstance(t, unicode) else t
def _uu8(*tt):
tuple(_u8(t) for t in tt)
# dict to store patient -> uuid mapping
uuid_map = {}
re_barcode = re.compile(
def load_csv(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
header =
data = []
for row in reader:
obj = {}
for i, key in enumerate(header):
if _u(row[i]).strip().lower() != '[not available]':
obj[_u(key)] = _u(row[i])
return data
def load_all(path):
all_files = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
print('Loading %s...' % root, file=sys.stderr)
for file_name in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
file_key = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0].replace('.', '-')
all_files[_u(file_key)] = load_csv(file_path)
except Exception:
print('Failed to load %s' % file_path, file=sys.stderr)
return all_files
def get_barcode(record):
for key in record:
value = record[key]
match = re_barcode.match(value)
if match:
def merge(all_files):
global uuid_map
print('Merging records...', file=sys.stderr)
merged = {}
for file in all_files:
data = all_files[file]
for d in data:
patient = get_barcode(d)
if not patient:
print('Invalid record in %s' % file, file=sys.stderr)
if 'bcr_patient_uuid' in d:
id = d['bcr_patient_uuid'].lower()
if patient in uuid_map and uuid_map[patient] != id:
raise Exception('Duplicate barcode, uuid pair')
uuid_map[patient] = id
if not patient:
print('Skipping empty record in %s' % file, file=sys.stderr)
r = merged.get(patient, {})
r[file] = d
merged[patient] = r
return merged
def insert(metadata, host='localhost', port=27017, dbname='girder'):
print('Importing into database %s' % dbname, file=sys.stderr)
folder = MongoClient(host=host, port=port)[dbname].folder
for patient in metadata:
meta = metadata[patient]
doc = folder.find_one({'name': patient})
if doc is None:
print('Skipping barcode %s' % patient, file=sys.stderr)
tcga = doc.get('tcga', {})
tcga['meta'] = meta
if patient in uuid_map:
tcga['uuid'] = uuid_map[patient]
print('No UUID for %s' % patient)
doc['tcga'] = tcga
folder.replace_one({'_id': doc['_id']}, doc)
def main(path):
merged = merge(load_all(path))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient
def pathology_folders(db, parent):
return db.folder.find({'parentId': parent['_id']})
def pathology_reports(db, parent):
return db.item.find({'folderId': parent['_id']})
def import_pathology(db,
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