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Created August 27, 2012 13:10
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Save jbennett/3488296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Watches for screen size to change and triggers named events are specified sizes
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Size Watch</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="file:///Users/jbennett/Desktop/SizeWatch.js"></script>
<p id="tablet"></p>
<p id="phone"></p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac viverra nisi. In rutrum tortor nec quam rutrum mattis in et dolor. Sed orci orci, dignissim a semper sed, tincidunt id risus. Aliquam imperdiet mollis scelerisque. Nullam lacinia rutrum nunc vel consectetur.</p>
<p>Ut laoreet velit non purus iaculis porttitor. Aenean id dapibus metus. Nulla auctor tellus a nibh rutrum vel pharetra quam dictum. Nam euismod iaculis nulla, non pellentesque massa commodo ut. Phasellus fermentum vulputate fringilla. In faucibus purus mi. Nulla nunc ligula, iaculis a fringilla ac, mattis quis enim. Suspendisse non tortor ac nunc feugiat viverra. Ut dignissim, elit a hendrerit venenatis, metus mauris tristique nisi, vehicula tincidunt metus velit ut elit.</p>
<p>Duis imperdiet laoreet massa et mattis. Praesent ac nibh nec sapien elementum aliquet id eget nibh.</p>
<script>, 900, 'tablet');, 499, 'phone');
window.addEvent('swEnterTablet', function() {
$('tablet').textContent = 'tablets rock';
window.addEvent('swLeaveTablet', function() {
$('tablet').textContent = '';
window.addEvent('swEnterPhone', function() {
$('phone').textContent = 'phones rock';
window.addEvent('swLeavePhone', function() {
$('phone').textContent = '';
$$('.menu').addEvent('click', function() {
SizeWatch = new Class({});
SizeWatch.current_width = 0;
SizeWatch.watchList = [];
SizeWatch._boundWatcher = null; = function(min, max, name) {
SizeWatch.watchList.push({ min: min, max: max, name: name });
SizeWatch.start = function() {
SizeWatch.current_width = window.getSize().x;
if (!this._boundWatcher) {
this._boundWatcher = this._watch.bind(this);
window.addEvent('resize', this._boundWatcher);
SizeWatch.stop = function() {
window.removeEvent('resize', this._boundWatcher);
this._boundWatcher = null;
SizeWatch._watch = function() {
var new_width = window.getSize().x,
current = SizeWatch.current_width,
count = SizeWatch.watchList.length,
i = 0;
if (new_width == current) {
for (; i < count; i++) {
watch = SizeWatch.watchList[i];
if (current <= watch.min && new_width >= watch.min) {
window.fireEvent('swEnter' +;
} else if (current > watch.min && new_width < watch.min) {
window.fireEvent('swLeave' +;
} else if (current < watch.max && new_width > watch.max) {
window.fireEvent('swLeave' +;
} else if (current >= watch.max && new_width <= watch.max) {
window.fireEvent('swEnter' +;
SizeWatch.current_width = new_width;
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