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Created February 14, 2023 23:55
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Workday brew list
aom git libqalculate oniguruma six
awscli glib libssh2 openexr snappy
brotli glow libtiff openjdk snzip
ca-certificates gmp libvmaf openssl@1.1 sqlite
cairo gnu-sed libx11 openssl@3 terraform
colordiff gnuplot libxau pandoc tmux
coreutils graphite2 libxcb pango tree
cscope grep libxdmcp pcre utf8proc
csvkit harfbuzz libxext pcre2 webp
dateutils highway libxrender pixman xml2
ddgr icu4c libyaml pwgen xorgproto
docutils imath little-cms2 python@3.10 xz
findutils ipcalc lua python@3.11 ykman
fontconfig iperf3 lua@5.3 python@3.9 zstd
freetype jpeg-turbo lynx qt@5 adoptopenjdk8
fribidi jpeg-xl lz4 readline alacritty
gawk jq lzo ruby basictex
gd libavif macvim sbt joplin
gdbm libcerf mpdecimal scala
gettext libevent mpfr sf-pwgen
giflib liblinear ncurses shellcheck
gist libpng nmap shfmt
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