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Last active July 13, 2017 01:59
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Bash Idioms template
#jbenninghoff 2015-Dec-28 vi: set ai et sw=3 tabstop=3 retab:
: << '--BLOCK-COMMENT--'
Bash idioms template
Save as ~/.vim/templates/sh
Above requires vim templates plugin:
Useful site for lots of Bash info:
# Check for root
[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] && { echo This script must be run as root; exit 1; }
# Make temp file, delete when script ends
tmpfile=$(mktemp); trap 'rm $tmpfile' 0 1 2 3 15
#Pause the script
read -s -r -p "Press enter to continue or ctrl-c to abort"
# Pad $msg to fixed length using $sep
msg="Job Status"; printf "%s %s \n" "$msg" "${sep:${#msg}}"
# Handle script arguments
while getopts ":v" opt; do
case $opt in
v) verbose=true ;;
\?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2; exit ;;
# Assign file contents to shell variable
[ -f myIPlist ] && hosts=$(<myIPlist)
#Assign 6 args to single variable
[ $# -gt 0 ] && hosts="$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6"
# Various for loops
#for i in $hosts; do
#for ((i=8; i>0; i--)); do
#for i in {1..5}; do
for i in $(seq 1 $nproc); do
echo $i
# Locate next smallest power of 2 using bitwise AND
while ((n & (n - 1))); do
# Repeat command until string found
until (maprcli dump rereplicationinfo | grep 'No active rereplications'); do
echo -n 'Still Replicating '; sleep 120
# Use a shell array variable; declare, assign, append
declare -A maclist
maclist+=( []=00:21:9b:a1:17:62 )
maclist+=( []=00:21:9b:9e:ae:15 )
# Loop over contents of shell array
for key in ${!maclist[@]}; do
echo ${key} ${maclist[${key}]}
echo $[10*1000*1000]
# filename=${path##*/}
# dirname=${path%/*}
# printf "%c" {a..z} $'\n' #Print the alphabet and newline using bash quoting $'...'
# IFS=- read -r x y z <<< "str=foo-bar-baz" #read doesn't work with pipe|
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