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Created November 10, 2014 02:01
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Reduce event-by-event observables (multiplicity, Qn vectors) to batch
quantitities (<mult>, flow cumulants) for each design point and centrality.
Creates files <IC name>_<observable>.dat.
import glob
import sys
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from hic import flow
def process_file(fn):
Read a file generated by urqmd-observables and calculate batch quantities.
fn : filename
Must be gzipped and contain a line
Nch_mid Nch_flow Q2re Q2im Q3re ...
for each event.
returns : [<Nch_flow>, v_2{2}, v_3{2}]
with subprocess.Popen(('zcat', fn), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
obs = np.array([l.split() for l in proc.stdout], dtype=np.float64)
# Nch_mid = obs[:, 0]
Nch_flow = obs[:, 1]
mult = [Nch_flow.mean()]
q2, q3 = obs.view(complex)[:, 1:3].T
vnk = flow.FlowCumulant(Nch_flow, {2: q2, 3: q3})
k = 2
cumulants = [vnk.flow(n, k, imaginary='zero') for n in (2, 3)]
return mult + cumulants
def main():
path = sys.argv[1].rstrip('/')
except IndexError:
print('usage: {} IC_observables_folder'.format(sys.argv[0]))
ic = path.split('/')[-1]
cent_strs = tuple(sorted(g.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.gz')
for g in glob.iglob(path + '/0/*')))
cent_mids = tuple(.5*sum(int(i) for i in cstr.split('-'))
for cstr in cent_strs)
with open('{}_cent.dat'.format(ic), 'w') as centfile:
print(*cent_mids, file=centfile)
npoints = len(glob.glob(path + '/*'))
with \
open('{}_mult.dat'.format(ic), 'w') as multfile, \
open('{}_v2-2.dat'.format(ic), 'w') as v2file, \
open('{}_v3-2.dat'.format(ic), 'w') as v3file:
for n in range(npoints):
print(ic, n)
mult, v2, v3 = zip(
*(process_file('{}/{}/{}.gz'.format(path, n, cstr))
for cstr in cent_strs)
print(*mult, file=multfile)
print(*v2, file=v2file)
print(*v3, file=v3file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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