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SPLASH Day 6 Notes

Notes at SPLASH 2022 - 20221205-10 Auckland NZ

Sat 10 12

Keynote : "I can get no - Verification"

(Atsushi Igarashi)


  • SW verification as "the holy grail" (Bill Gates, 2002) is within reach today (Gates claims that in 2002 for device drivers)

  • but still we are busy developing verifiers every day

  • will talk about smart contracts, IoT, research directions and current development

Two application areas

Smart contracts

  • challenges in smart contract verification: invocation of other, unknown, contracts (-> verification of HOFs), unclear spec.s

  • setting: Tezos BC, Michelson language (functional stack-based with blocks, rich set of primitive types)

    • Michelson for smart contracts: stateful, continuation-style (no return as such), no (direct) operation to invoke other contracts
  • own work "Helmholtz" (observing Michelson!)

    • verifier of Michelson contracts
    • hard-wired variables amount,ops,source in pre/post-conditions
    • background: refinement types, adapted to HOF stack-based languages
    • implementation: no surprises, using an SMT solver on the computed strongest post-cond.
  • Experience:

    • building a verifier from scratch, cumbersome
    • single contracts are not interesting, contract interaction is what implements interesting use cases
  • Verifying multiple contracts

    • "Dexter" (decentralised exchange) as a case study
    • tokens as a derived currency, using a constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) together with the token holding account
    • transfer and approval (of an allowance) calls
    • CPMM: can sell tokens for XTZ on behalf of account owners
      • (several mistakes on the slide!)
    • example of CPMM interactoin to exchange tokens for tz
    • two flaws:
      1. allowance setting allows tokens from Alice to be stolen
        • when allowance is set, anyone can step in to make CPMM transfer
      2. anyone can steal from CPMM
        • self-transfer must succeed, so X=CPMM allows anyone to steal
    • proposed solution: remove XferTokens first parameter (-> screenshot)
      • insufficient and going in a wrong direction
      • Helmholtz-based invariants proposed to fix the CPMM flaws
  • to summarise:

    • verifiers are not easy to build, more support from PL community

Zero-trust IoT project

  • goal: verify protocols and trust chains (static + dynamic)

  • "DevSecOps" (buzz buzz buzz)

  • Experience:

    • IoT system verification is hard, even for experts
    • example: a published paper turned out to make impossible assumptions (turning on a device more than once)
    • verification tools should be usable by IoT System dev.s (but aren't)
  • Questions

    • about the boomerang example, infinte loops: prevented by gas consumption
    • analysing instruction output vs. interprocedural semantic analysis
      • problem 1: unknown contract may be invoked
      • problem 2: instruction list may be long (and execution may fork)

Concurrency session

A Concurrent Program Logic with a Future and History

(Roland Meyer)

  • applying separation logic to data structures in concurrent programs

  • two challenges: concurrent unbounded updates, linearisability

  • unbounded updates: example of removal

    • recursive SL predicates and induction hard to automate
    • "ghost update chunks": composing updates
      • can be composed during the program traversal without overhead
      • walk through an example.. (screenshots)
  • Linearisability

    • example: containment in a list in the presence of concurrent removal
      • possible to linearise concurrent actions to consistent sequence
    • proposal: "past reasoning" about interference
      • concurrent interfering actions are not able to change the past captured in the traversal
  • both proposed concepts formalised in separation logic, with an implementation of proving several challenging examples

CAAT (Consistency as a Theory)

(awarded paper, Thomas Haas)

  • "theory and solver for weak memory"

  • Motivation: ways to find bugs in concurrent programs

    • using bounded model checking etc.
    • with the help of a SAT solver
    • neglecting the fact that threads communicate (over shared memory)
      • requires a memory model, and to include it in the model/SAT solving
  • What are memory models?

    • examples: Seq. consistency, total store ordering (buffered write-back)
    • can be described by CAT (DSL describing consistency models)
      • uses a number of base relations and derived relations to describe consistency-related properties of operations
        • po = program order, rf = read-from, co = coherence
    • example: Peterson's Mutex (screenshots)
  • encoding memory model descriptions (CAT) into logical theories

    • a number of basic axioms need to be added to a straightfwd encoding
    • problem: recursion in CAT
    • solution: encode CAT as instead of in a logical theory
      • theory only talks about base relations, but considers derived relations internally
      • example (screenshot): happens-before cycle encoded in this theory
    • generalisation possible: abstract base relations (e.g., DB transactions)
    • decision procedure: checking consistency of a conjunction, (provided by a SAT solver), providing explanations for inconsistencies
    • in the example:
      • deriving formulas from the execution trace..
      • discovery of a happens-before-cycle
      • removal of derived relations from explanation

Implementing and Verifying Release-Acquire Transactional Memory in C11

  • classical example: message passing sync using a variable

    • under C11 relaxed memory model, the sync. may be broken (2nd thread reading a prior value)
    • "release-acquire atomics" annotations to fix this by enforcing a global ordering
    • example2: using CAS instead to attempt a fix
      • C11 manual provides a range of different CAS operations
  • this work: generalising the release-acquire idea for CAS

  • extensions:

    • transactional read-wrote seqiemces
    • release-acquire transactions (3 threads performing a transitive release-acquire synchronisation)
  • Formal semantics (overview)

    • builds on "TMS2" model (memory snapshots based reasoning)
    • extension of the snapshots to indicate release or acquire
    • acquiring transactions must read from releasing ones
  • Implementation of release-acquire transactions

    • follows as a modification of prior art (TxRead/Write)

Logic and Verification II

On incorrectness logic in quantum programs

  • proposes transfer of incorrectness logic to quantum computing setting

  • early-stage work to be further generalised, considering quantum-specifics (noise) and local reasoning

Weighted Programming: A progr. paradigm for speciying math. models

(Kevin Batz)

  • "enable probabilistic programming for programmers inexperienced in probability theory"

    • this work: extends this to the "mathematical theory" as a whole
  • proposes "weighting", here extending a prototypical imp language

    • weighting (x) accumulates
    • branching (+) considers two branches (and, e.g., minimises)
    • theory applicable to different settings: optimisation, reasoning about program traces, combinatorics, resource analysis, etc)
  • variants of semantics

    • operational: weighted automata - resulting in infinite state
    • denotational: weakest precondition and invariants.
    • one-path search for pre/post-condition correspondence
      • adding weight to the valid final states (true post-cond.)
      • semi-ring sum over all valid final states yields solution
  • weakest pre-weightings are synthesised (syntax-driven)

    • (backwards) pushing (n + y) through the example program (screenshot)
    • same for invariants (loop body)
  • weakest liberal preconditions

    • accounting for non-terminating programs.
    • adds greatest-fixpoint to inference in the loop statement
  • case studies: screenshot

Wildcards Need Witness Protection

(awarded paper, Kevin Bierhoff)

  • addresses a fundamental unsoundness in Java and Scala, reported in Oopsla16

    • solution along the Oopsla16 paper, with a new example
    • key: typing of null
  • wildcards: address invariance of java collections (List(Integer) not < List(Num) not < List(Object)

  • wildcards can address this, they instantiate the existential type given in a collection type

    • java aims to ensure these exist, but does not allow for specifying them (no introduction form)
    • elimination form usually exists, too, but again not in Java
  • => Java wildcards have lower and upper bound (lower often bottom, upper often Object)

  • walk through the types in the example crash

  • previous proposal to solve this: limit wildcard subtyping

  • here: ensure all wildcards have a witness type

    • which makes an instantiation with null impossible (no witness)
    • explicit elimination of wildcards using a special let construct
    • limiting the type of null to require a witness
  • proof of preservation and progress:

    • problematic side is progress proof
    • requires a "witness lemma" to ensure that a witness is available (see null restrictino before)
  • evaluated as a javac plugin ("Error-prone") on the google codebase

  • enabled by default in Bazel and available as OSS

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