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SPLASH Day 1 Notes

Notes at SPLASH 2022 - 20221205-10 Auckland NZ

Monday 5 12

Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), Keynote

  • Bernhard Scholz (Sydney)
  • "Souffle (Static analysis toolkit for Datalog)

Historical overview and problem description

  • long-standing problem of analytical potential vs performance / use in practice
  • background on datalog: simplified prolog variant without backtracking, using memoisation for efficiency, excels at fix-point calculations and (other) bottom-up methods
  • static analysis with datalog:
    • needs extraction of input program into relations (specific to language),
    • and (generic) datalog engine working on the relations using rules that describe the semantics.
    • (example of unprotected vulnerable code blocks)

Practical Static Analysis

  • drawbacks of Datalog:
    • guaranteed termination => limited set of constants, no functors
    • no typing
    • incremental state (no deletion) => no pruning possible
  • example of hand-crafted code vs. datalog
  • enter souffle : using datalog as DSL, performs on par with C++ code,
    • key assumption: rules do not change (unlike in databases)
    • performance achieved by large RAM and multicore parallelism

Language Features in Datalog for Souffle (examples)

  • inspired by predecessor bddbddb, z3

  • strongly typed (base types, records, algebr. datatypes)

  • Extensions

    1. structuring large datalog programs (components)
    2. functors (pre-declared 1-column relation) - losing termination guarantee
    3. records: pre-declared structs with typed named fields
      • backed by a lookup (memo) table, stored instead of using tuples directly
      • can also model lists by using recursion
    4. subsumption (implements deletion)
      • killer app : intervals (subsumed by inclusion)
  • compilation:

    • Futamura projection (specialisation of programs)
    • 2 modes: interpreter (new) and synthesiser (older) that specialises
    • sophisticated indexing to search relations typical for the executed semantics (rule-dependent)
      • highly-optimised data structures

Souffle Tools (2 examples)

  • Provenance: where tuples come from (proof trees)
  • Profiling: to identify bottlenecks..

Usage examples:

  • Java security (for which Souffle was conceived and first built)
  • AWS SDN: enforcing access control policies
  • some more (incl. "blockchain")
  • Java "points-to" analysis

Question: why keep the Datalog approach (instead of using OCaml, Maude, ???)?

  • appeal of writing datalog-style reasoning

APLAS session "Semantics and Analysis"

APLAS is a 2nd tier forum and typically attracts PhD work, but with quite advanced topics at times.

An Algebraic Theory for Shared-State Concurrency

Highly technical talk, even the motivation.

  • modeling program state changes as effects, using state operators
    • algebraic laws for, e.g., omitting dead code
      • (compiler might use this to optimise away statements)
  • shared state (concurrency): need to add a "choice" and axioms
    • (this is known background)
  • to fix the semantics for concurrent execution, introduce a "yield" operator that models concurrency effects
    • keeping all equations of the theory, but introducing more fine-grained state observations that can distinguish states reachable by concurrency effects

SAS Session 2 (Model checking/ Verification)

Efficient Modular SMT based model checking of pointer programs

(virtual talk)

  • key idea: in procedure summaries, describe memory effects more compactly using memory regions (to better compose them).
  • program analysis procues "access paths" for pointers
    • aliasing is eliminated abstractly
    • loops laed to unbounded # of access paths, but reaching a finite memory set
  • SMT encoding of a memory access object, abstracting ptr reads to array accesses. Writes lead to versioning the arrays
  • closer examination and narrowing of properties on finite maps (regions), e.g., when describing function calls

Case Study on Verification-Witness Validators:

"Where We Are and Where We Go"

  • "Verification witness" - extracted proof/ counterexample

  • problem space: validating witnesses to addressing bugs in verifiers or over-approximations inherent in the verifier tool design

  • analysis of 76 provers extracting witnesses and 10 validators, assessing the ability to detect wrong witnesses

  • proposed (and accepted) new scoring scheme for SV-COMP competition of validators (starting from 2023). Verifiers scoring high negative penalties for wrong results (invalid witnesses only, because otherwise uncertain).

  • Questions:
    • What is the ground truth when verifiers have inconsistent results?
      • SV-Benchmarks repository (20k problems, known and peer-verified)
    • about path-invariant witnesses and how to recover errors on a single path
      • witnesses may describe several paths where only one is a bug. The ideal witness only contains a single path, though.
    • Did all the validators exhibit similar problems, or different ones?
      • "Avoid technology bias", use different techniques for different witnesses (produced with different abstraction techniques)
      • E.g., do not validate a CPA-checker witness using CPA validation

SLE papers session (COVID-time papers)

Automatic Grammar Repair

  • goal: fix errors in grammars, automating a find-and-fix approach

    • exact localisation of errors from failing acceptance tests
    • simplistic editing approach (insert/delete/mutate) for the grammar
  • considering lexical information around the syntax error to validate edits

  • (other) complicated rules relating to passing and failing tests

    • used to eliminate invalid patches for the grammar
  • possible applications:

    • when there is a "reasonable initial grammar and driving examples"
    • (use case: correcting student work, giving hints)
    • (use case: genetic grammar learning)
  • results: (student grammars) "mostly human quality patches" (see screenshot. ..)

  • future work: generate tests (termed "active repair")

  • Killer app: tutoring compilers courses!

Grammar based testing for Little Languages

  • experience report about the student grammar use case above
  • focus on auto-generating test suites for compilers
  • another key application: fuzzing
  • mostly straightforward algorithm implementation in prolog
  • algorithms often well-known
    • e.g., "use each rule at least once", "use each rule on the RHS of another at least once", ..
  • key insights:
    • for systematic construction, more complexity (longer derivation chains) does not improve coverage any more
    • better results when using random-generated tests
  • more ambitious: semantic errors, generated by using "annotations" to tokens (in this case identifiers, as _decl, and _ref)

SAS Keynote 2: Formal Reasoning in Reinforcement Learning

  • Reinforcement learning: middle ground between unsupervised and supervised
    • generating a policy, in iterations to gradually improve
    • environment assumed unknown initially, later providing feedback

Problem space:

  • technique of reward function problematic for complex tasks
    • often cannot compose reward functions (e.g., visit p then q)
    • application of temporal logic to formulate reward functions
    • potentially much larger gains to have from applying formal reasoning such as temporal logic:
      • testability, verifiability, access to interpretations
    • drawbacks:
      • not robust (small changes may break the outcome)

Background for Reinforcement Learning (RL):

  • Markov decision process (MDP)

    • potentially infinite state and/or action set
    • probabilistic transition
  • RL: given an MDP and a discount factor, can we generate a policy that optimises the discounted sum of rewards?

    • classic optimisation problem
    • 1953: there is a memory-less deterministic optimal policy
    • 1957, Bellman equation = solves
  • Reward function approach: given Simulator of MDP that can reset to initial state and sample states

    • by sampling executions, can estimate transition probabilities
    • ultimately converging when iterated (infinitesimal process) (1992)
    • (2002) converges to near-optimal policy with finitely-many samples
  • from temporal specifications: given MDP and temporal spec.

    • can also sample, to find a spec.fulfilling policy.
    • from example (screenshot): no guarantee to learn optimal policy using finitely-many samples
    • actual (proven) result much stronger: cannot learn near-optimal policies from finitely-many samples.
  • Algorithmic performance:

    • reward-based sampling performs extremely poorly, by not exploring the space in a targeted manner
    • (problem of horizon for the goal - "Reward based learning is myopic")
    • (This relates to how the rewards are set up, not shown)

proposed (2021) algorithm DiRL

  • uses structure of temporal spec to abstract the structure of the problem space

    • DAG of partial goals, decomposing the task, learning policy for every edge separately, then combining the policies
    • optimal solution is immediate from policies (probabilities)
  • induced state distribution from learnt policies: order of learning policies matters so the DAG can be swept exactly once.

    • key insight: systematic composition of policies/probabilities
  • Other aspects, besides performance: verifiability and explanation of (optimal) solutions, correctness assurance

    • "inherently interpretable"
    • able to generalise algorithms, capitalising on compositionality
  • "what about theoretical guarantees?"

    • guarantees apply only to finite-state MDPs
    • practical MDPs are usually infinite-state
  • Challenge: explore/define what guarantees can be developed for AI systems out of formal methods


  • distributions depend on path. how does it affect the results?
    • current algo uses heuristics
      • greedily composing best-so-far path sometimes sufficient
      • in other applications, need to average over all paths
  • composition is sequential, can it be parallel composition?
    • follow-up question: can you compute parts in parallel?
      • in order to learn, need the full picture of all partial policies
  • are your state spaces finite, or are you using continuous state?
    • all presented problems are continuous-state
    • follow-up: is it single-state (single agent?)
      • full dimensionality in shown examples is single agent, but other app.s have multi-agent setup
    • follow-up: if you don't have access to a simulator, can you use offline learning?
      • reinforcement uses online method to target exploration, difficult problem to not have the simulator
      • also, if all data is known a priory, RL is not the right choice
  • what is the semantics of the nodes in the DAG?
    • whatever predicates are in the spec will appear as nodes

APLAS: Types

A Calculus with Recursive Types, Record Concatenation and Subtyping

  • record calculi, from the late 80s/90s

    • subtyping for records, breaks (to some extent) record concatenation
    • example: intersection of two record types
    • 90s work: only defined when record fields are disjoint
    • problematic limitation: lack of recursion
  • this talk: calculus for recursion in λᵢ, termed λᵢ^μ

  • notions of: record merge (disjoint, based on top-like types), function-types (super of ⊥ → ⊤ ), which is tricky for contravariant types, completeness arguments, and construction of top types

Poster session:

Poster about mapping timed automata to symbolic constraint solving

  • student (Yahui Song, Singapore) nearing completion

Poster about "deepSEA"s approach to Ethereum contract verification

  • deepSEA = Certik technology
  • this poster: incremental work on reentrancy
  • general approach:
    • deepSEA language compiles to Coq,
    • Coq proofs use additional library of primitives
    • Coq code generation of Ethereum bytecode

The student (Daniel Britten, NZ) is nearing completion, was interested in K (tried it recently) and its technical background.

Daniel later reached out to Yan and myself about potential jobs in ~6 months time.

{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS
import System.Environment
import Text.Regex.Base
import Text.Regex.PCRE
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let wrongArgCount = error "Program must be called with two arguments"
(imageFile, mdFile) <- case args of
[] -> wrongArgCount
[_] -> wrongArgCount
[x, y] -> pure (x, y)
_other -> wrongArgCount
images <- BS.readFile imageFile
markdown <- BS.readFile mdFile
let replacements = mkImageMap images
replaced = apply replacements markdown
BS.writeFile (mdFile <> ".replaced") replaced
mkImageMap :: BS.ByteString -> Map BS.ByteString BS.ByteString
mkImageMap list = Map.fromList pairs
pairs = map getPair $ BS.lines list
pat = "^!\\[(Screenshot from .*)\\]\\((.*).png\\)$" :: BS.ByteString
getPair line = case (line =~ pat :: (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString, [BS.ByteString])) of
(_, _, _, [screenshot, url]) -> (screenshot, url)
(_, _, _, [] :: [BS.ByteString]) -> error $ "Bad line in image list: " <> show line
apply :: Map BS.ByteString BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
apply replacements input = BS.concat $ go input
allPatterns = Map.keys replacements
toMatch = "(" <> BS.intercalate ")|(" allPatterns <> ")"
go x = case x =~ toMatch of
(notFound, "", "") -> [notFound]
(before, thing, after) ->
: fromMaybe "###ERROR###" (Map.lookup thing replacements)
: go after
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