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Jonathan Beckman jbexx

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#1: 30-Day Job Search Action Plan

Create a schedule & goals for the first 30 days Post-Graduation

Design a 40-hour "work week" that provides time for:

  • Code 3-4 hours/day coding personal project
    • react-native with redux app for cryptocurrencies
    • react-native with redux weatherly
    • open source projects
    • Things to learn
      • Angular
  • Typescript

Template: Module 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

I would like to have had at least 1 job interview by the end of Mod 4 at least,

At most, I would like an offer

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

Reflections on Agile Practices

During the projects this mod I feel like I got a good grasp of GitHub and started to make lots of small commits when completing small things in the project. In a way I looked at this like the 'loop' of agile practices, constantly doing small task and then stepping back to evaluate what has been done and then going again to build upon what has already been done. I'd like to keep working in ths way as I found it very satisfying and effective. Maybe I would change the approach and take a longer look at the project and how I might approach it before jumping in.

Feedback III Reflection

  • What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator? How do you use your strengths as a team member?

    • I communicate well with my partners and try to be patient.
  • How would you like to continue to develop your strengths?

    • I'd like to continue to learn how to better approach different situations and be more patient in the approach instead of just jumping in

Feedback II Reflection

  • Date of feedback conversation: 7/20/2017

    • How did you prepare for the conversation?

      *I thought about how Christie and I worked together and made some notes of things to give feedback on. The other gear-up sessions have helped me prepair to give good feedback

    • How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?

Documentation Guidelines for Cold Outreach I Deliverable:

  • Name of contact

  • "The mentor (or alum) I contacted is Matt Kaufman____"

  • Date of contact

    • "06/28/2017"
  • Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?)

jbexx /
Last active May 9, 2017 15:38
Turing css challenges
Challenge 1

I wrote the divs in reverse order in the HTML so that the order of the divs would be right. In CSS I set all divs to inline-block display and then floated div1 left and floated div2 and div3 right.

See Challenge 1 on CodePen

Challenge 2
jbexx /
Last active April 28, 2017 20:27
Developing Mindsets to Succeed

Developing Mindsets to Succeed

29 Behaviors That Will Give You A Mindset To Succeed

 - Number 11 stood out to me. I think its important to own up to your own mistakes. It builds trust with your team and/or boss when you can look them in the face and tell them you screwed up, and more often than not, there will be grace. I also think pair programming with others that are better than you is a substantially better way to learn. Wisdom and experience are not things that come easy, and someday you'll be the one on being asked to help out someone that may not know as much as you, and even then there is still a ton to learn from giving back.

jbexx /
Last active April 21, 2017 15:37
Empathy in Life and the Work Place

Questions of empathy and do I have any?

Certainly in some capacity, large or small, everyone has empathy for another living thing, if even only for a moment, right? The moment before you hovered the magnifying glass over the anthill on a sunny day perhaps, perhaps not. Nonetheless, no one is entirely emotionally void and everyone is able to think outside of themselves. So we all should at least be able to conclude that others have emotions too. So am I able to see another person, realize they have emotions and then bring myself to understand and share in the feelings from those emotions? Every reasonable person should hope so.

I’m not sure anyone really thinks much about how empathetic they have been. I imagine people naturally avoid others that require empathy because it takes work, and well, the path of least resistance is easy and most people just want an easy life. But I think something to gain out of choosing into a situation where empathy may be required is richness and depth

jbexx /
Last active April 30, 2017 18:44
Turing prework

Turing Pre-work

Two weeks to start date as of 4/17

Daily Workflow Links
