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Last active September 28, 2023 20:50
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Generate Wide Schema
String {"type": "string"} "foo bar"
Boolean {"type": "boolean"} true or false
Date {"type": "string", "format": "date"} "2021-01-23", "2021-01-23 BC"
Timestamp without timezone {"type": "string", "format": "date-time", "airbyte_type": "timestamp_without_timezone"} "2022-11-22T01:23:45", "2022-11-22T01:23:45.123456 BC"
Timestamp with timezone {"type": "string", "format": "date-time"}; optionally "airbyte_type": "timestamp_with_timezone" "2022-11-22T01:23:45.123456+05:00", "2022-11-22T01:23:45Z BC"
Time without timezone {"type": "string", "format": "time", "airbyte_type": "time_without_timezone"} "01:23:45.123456", "01:23:45"
Time with timezone {"type": "string", "format": "time", "airbyte_type": "time_with_timezone"} "01:23:45.123456+05:00", "01:23:45Z"
Integer {"type": "integer"} or {"type": "number", "airbyte_type": "integer"} 42
Number {"type": "number"} 1234.56
Array {"type": "array"}; optionally items [1, 2, 3]
Object {"type": "object"}; optionally properties {"foo": "bar"}
Union {"oneOf": [...]}
import json
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Tuple, Union
def simple_property(name: str, type: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]]:
return name, {"type": type}
def date_property(name: str, format: str, airbyte_type: str) -> Tuple[str, Mapping[str, Any]]:
definition = {
"type": ["null", "string"],
"format": format,
if airbyte_type is not None:
definition["airbyte_type"] = airbyte_type
return name, definition
all_supported_column_type_property_generators = [
lambda i: simple_property(f"string_{i}", "string"),
lambda i: simple_property(f"boolean_{i}", "boolean"),
lambda i: date_property(f"date_{i}", "date", None),
lambda i: date_property(f"timestamp_wo_tz_{i}", "date-time", "timestamp_without_timezone"),
lambda i: date_property(f"timestamp_w_tz_{i}", "date-time", "timestamp_with_timezone"),
lambda i: date_property(f"time_wo_tz_{i}", "time", "time_without_timezone"),
lambda i: date_property(f"time_w_tz_{i}", "time", "time_with_timezone"),
lambda i: simple_property(f"integer_{i}", "integer"),
lambda i: simple_property(f"number_{i}", "number"),
lambda i: simple_property(f"array_{i}", "array"),
lambda i: simple_property(f"object_{i}", "object")
def generate_wide_schema(columns: int) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Generate a schema for the WideColumn stream. Uses a round robin approach to the supported Airbyte types
defined in all_supported_column_type_property_generators above
columns (int): How many columns should be in this schema
Mapping[str, Any]: A Schema compatible with Airbyte's Streams
full_schema = {"type": "object"}
properties = dict()
# special case id and updated_at column
id = simple_property("id", "integer")
properties[id[0]] = id[1]
properties["updated_at"] = {"type": "string", "format": "date-time", "airbyte_type": "timestamp_with_timezone"}
column_count = 2
property_generator_index = 0
while column_count < columns:
property_info = all_supported_column_type_property_generators[property_generator_index](column_count)
properties[property_info[0]] = property_info[1]
property_generator_index += 1
if property_generator_index == len(all_supported_column_type_property_generators):
property_generator_index = 0
column_count += 1
full_schema["properties"] = properties
return full_schema
if __name__ == "__main__":
column_count = int(sys.argv[1])
schema = generate_wide_schema(column_count)
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