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Created May 20, 2015 16:41
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10s of listeners. Pull quotes from Twitter. Table thumping. Borrowed microphones. Why are people nice. Nobody learns things at conferences. Discomfort learning. Tappity tap laptops. Money money money. Dissemination. Stay out of that ballpark. Let's go to Sweden. New people need development. John doesn't speak for anyone on any issue. Hop on a train, go to Kingston. The Maritimes doesn't make any sense but sea captains. Your mandate and its non-shrinkage. Culture of sharing. John makes a dumb assessment. John makes another dumb assessment. John attempts to number U of T librarians. Critical analysis. John and Gillian discuss first conference presentations. Zotero, RSS and blogs. Random library school students. Who funds your conference. Anti-recycling. What is the sign of a healthy conference. Half brains going off half cocked. Is doing the same talk over and over dishonest. The important parts happen at the bar and in the hallway. The hallway conference is not for students. Twitter shows the way. Neither Gillian nor John has been to an ALA conference. John vs. Brewster Kahle. Shaming your audience as a conference tactic. Telling people to go away. It's been 30 minutes. What happened to unconferences. The importance of structure. It's CODE4LIB(E). Integrating non-library techs into culture. Beautiful Toronto. Why do we keep getting sucked into Access. Sausages. John remembers not everybody lives in Canada. Did anyone go to one Access and have a bad time. Clank clank. Democratizing access to technology. Nuts to you. Technologists but not *your* type of technologist. Holistic piece of knowledge. Four minutes left. Access talks being added. Pair programming. Scattershots. John and Gillian don't like themes. CLA really likes themes and it works for them. The Core of Synergy. Myron Groover, mousepad thief. We're RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Coming up next, it's Bob Franklin. How much does the single stream contribute to the Access mystique. The Twittersphere. Don't cross the streams. How many people. Discussing Access at Access. Access happens by accident. Who decides the future of Access. Not everybody is interested in governance. Safety nets. Hit by a bus. Shocked that it happens as well as it does. Senses of security. Access: always great and it's shocking. Nothing breaks enough to ruin anything except this time it will because we said that it won't. Please register. . Hey it's May 9th. Selling out in a day. Listen to this immediately after we post it or we'll edit all of this out. Let's end with that. Shutting up and going home. Massaging the sound. Bumper music. Internet archive. Public domain. Tumblr. Feedburner. Awful at frontend. That's it. We have to stop now. Shambolic.
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