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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Powershell script to create a list with read and write IOPS for every Virtual Machine (average and peak values)
# Get a list with average and peak IOPS from all VMs
# Found at:
Get-VM | Sort | Select @{N="Name"; E={$_.Name}}, @{N="AvgWriteIOPS"; E={[math]::round((Get-Stat $_ -stat "datastore.numberWriteAveraged.average" -RealTime | Select -Expand Value | measure -average).Average, 1)}}, @{N="PeakWriteIOPS"; E={[math]::round((Get-Stat $_ -stat "datastore.numberWriteAveraged.average" -RealTime | Select -Expand Value | measure -max).maximum, 1)}}, @{N="AvgReadIOPS"; E={[math]::round((Get-Stat $_ -stat "datastore.numberReadAveraged.average" -RealTime | Select -Expand Value | measure -average).Average, 1)}}, @{N="PeakReadIOPS"; E={[math]::round((Get-Stat $_ -stat "datastore.numberReadAveraged.average" -RealTime | Select-Expand Value | measure -max).maximum, 1)}} | Format-Table -autosize | Out-File iops.txt
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