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Created January 25, 2016 22:07
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scato Benchmarks
package scato
package benchmarks
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Mode}
import scato.Prelude._
import scato.benchmarks.Data._
class Instantiations {
import Hierarchy._
def l[F[_]](fi: F[Int])(implicit F: Light[F]): Foldable[F] = F.foldable
def lH[F[_]](fi: F[Int])(implicit F: Light[F]): Foldable[F] = Foldable[F]
def h[F[_]](fi: F[Int])(implicit F: Heavy[F]): Foldable[F] = F.foo0.foo1.foldable
def hH[F[_]](fi: F[Int])(implicit F: Heavy[F]): Foldable[F] = Foldable[F]
def hs[F[_]](fi: F[Int])(implicit F: HeavySubtyping[F]): Foldable[F] = F.foo0.foo1.foldable
def hsH[F[_]](fi: F[Int])(implicit F: HeavySubtyping[F]): Foldable[F] = Foldable[F]
@Benchmark def lightDirect = => l(List(i)))
@Benchmark def lightHierarchy = => lH(List(i)))
@Benchmark def heavyDirect = => h(List(i)))
@Benchmark def heavyTCHierarchy = => hH(List(i)))
@Benchmark def heavySubtypingDirect = => h(List(i)))
@Benchmark def heavySubtypingTCHierarchy = => hsH(List(i)))
object Hierarchy {
implicit def lightFoldable[F[_]](implicit F: Light[F]): Foldable[F] = F.foldable
implicit def heavyFoldable[F[_]](implicit F: Heavy[F]): Foldable[F] = F.foo0.foo1.foldable
implicit def heavySubtypingFoldable[F[_]](implicit F: HeavySubtyping[F]): Foldable[F] = F.foo0.foo1.foldable
abstract class Light[F[_]] {
def foldable: Foldable[F]
object Light {
implicit def light[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]): Light[F] = new Light[F] { val foldable = null }
abstract class Heavy[F[_]] {
def foo0: Heavy.Foo0[F]
def foo3: Heavy.Foo3[F]
object Heavy {
abstract class Foo0[F[_]] {
def foo1: Foo1[F]
def foo4: Foo4[F]
abstract class Foo1[F[_]] {
def foldable: Foldable[F]
def foo2: Foo2[F]
abstract class Foo2[F[_]] {
def functor: Functor[F]
abstract class Foo3[F[_]] {
def functor: Functor[F]
def foo4: Foo4[F]
abstract class Foo4[F[_]] {
def foldable: Foldable[F]
implicit def heavy[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]): Heavy[F] = new Heavy[F] {
override val foo3 = new Foo3[F] {
override val functor = F
override val foo4 = new Foo4[F] {
override val foldable = null;
override val foo0 = new Foo0[F] {
override val foo4: Foo4[F] = foo3.foo4
override val foo1 = new Foo1[F] {
override val foo2 = new Foo2[F] {
override val functor = foo3.functor
override val foldable = foo4.foldable
trait HeavySubtyping[F[_]] {
def foo0: HeavySubtyping.Foo0[F]
def foo3: HeavySubtyping.Foo3[F]
object HeavySubtyping {
trait HeavySubtypingClass[F[_]] extends HeavySubtyping[F] with Foo0Class[F] with Foo3Class[F] {
trait Foo0[F[_]] {
def foo1: Foo1[F]
def foo4: Foo4[F]
trait Foo0Class[F[_]] extends Foo0[F] with Foo1Class[F] with Foo4Class[F] {
final def foo0: Foo0[F] = this
trait Foo1[F[_]] {
def foldable: Foldable[F]
def foo2: Foo2[F]
trait Foo1Class[F[_]] extends Foo1[F] with Foo2Class[F] {
def functor: Functor[F]
final def foo1: Foo1[F] = this
trait Foo2[F[_]] {
def functor: Functor[F]
trait Foo2Class[F[_]] extends Foo2[F] {
def functor: Functor[F]
final def foo2: Foo2[F] = this
trait Foo3[F[_]] {
def functor: Functor[F]
def foo4: Foo4[F]
trait Foo3Class[F[_]] extends Foo3[F] with Foo4Class[F]{
def functor: Functor[F]
final def foo3: Foo3[F] = this
trait Foo4[F[_]] {
def foldable: Foldable[F]
trait Foo4Class[F[_]] extends Foo4[F] {
def foldable: Foldable[F]
final def foo4: Foo4[F] = this
implicit def heavySubtyping[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]): HeavySubtyping[F] = new HeavySubtypingClass[F] {
override val functor = F
override val foldable = null;
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