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Created June 16, 2017 09:40
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Resolución de templates ejs
class Dict
constructor: (@g, @dict) ->
@missings = []
resolve: (content, showErrors=true, json=false, englishFallback=true) ->
fail = false
RE = if json then /"\{([^}^\s]+)\}"/g else /\{([^}^\s]+)\}/g
content = content.replace RE, (m, n) =>
replacement = @t n, showErrors, true, englishFallback
fail or= not replacement?
replacement = "\"#{replacement}\"" if json and replacement
content = undefined if fail
t: (key, showErrors=true, nestedInterpolations=true, englishFallback=true) =>
fallbacks = [ @g.locale, @g.countryCode, @g.langCode ]
fallbacks.push "en" if englishFallback
result = @lookup key, fallbacks...
result = @resolve result, showErrors, false, englishFallback if typeof result is 'string' and nestedInterpolations
if showErrors and not result?
@missings.push key
result = "**" + key + "**"
lookup: (key, locales...) ->
for locale in locales
value = @dict[locale]?[key]
return value if value?
toJSON: (locale) ->
return @dict unless locale
json = {}
json[key] = @t(key, false) for key in @keys()
keys: ->
return @_keys if @_keys
keys = (Object.keys(values) for _locale, values of @dict)
@_keys = _.uniq _.flatten keys
module.exports = Dict
# compilation
code = coffee.compile @snippet, bare: true
script = new vm.Script code
# dictionaries setup
dicts = {}
contents = _.pluck @dictionaries, 'content'
while _dict = contents.pop()
for locale, values of _dict
dict = dicts[locale] ?= {}
_.extend dict, values
meta =
errors: undefined
warnings: undefined
type: @type
count: 0
content = {}
sandbox =
_: _
at: (predicates...) ->
includes = []
excludes = []
for predicate in predicates
if /!/.test predicate
excludes.push predicate.substring(1)
includes.push predicate
location = document? || 'unknown'
for predicate in excludes
return false if ~[sandbox.countryCode, sandbox.locale, sandbox.langCode].indexOf(predicate)
for predicate in includes
return true if ~[sandbox.countryCode, sandbox.locale, sandbox.langCode].indexOf(predicate)
ejs: (key) ->
template = dict.t key
throw Error "#{key} ejs template not found" unless template
json: (key) ->
json = dict.t key, false
throw Error "#{key} json template not found" unless json
_content = JSON.stringify json
_content = dict.resolve _content, true, true
JSON.parse _content
languages: sails.config.languages
stores: sails.config.stores
formatPrice: (price) ->
return price unless and sandbox.language and price and typeof price is 'number'
formatPrice price,, sandbox.language
formatDate: (strdate) ->
format = dict.t 'shortDateFormat', false
return strdate unless format and /\d\d\/\d\d\/20\d\d/.test strdate
tokens = strdate.split('/')
replacements =
d: tokens[0]
m: tokens[1]
Y: tokens[2]
format.replace(/%[admY]/g, (t) -> replacements[t[1]])
# setup dict module
dict = new Dict sandbox, dicts
_.extend sandbox,
t: (key, showErrors, nestedInterpolations) =>
dict.t key, showErrors, nestedInterpolations, @englishFallback
ctx: (key, showErrors, nestedInterpolations) =>
dict.t key, showErrors, nestedInterpolations, @englishFallback
project = ->
dict.missings = []
result = script.runInNewContext sandbox
return unless result?
when sandbox.key then content[sandbox.key] = result
when typeof result is 'string' then content.en = result
else content = result
if dict.missings.length
meta.warnings ?= {}
meta.warnings[sandbox.key] = 'missing-keys': dict.missings
catch e
meta.errors ?= {}
meta.errors[sandbox.key] = e.message
when @type is 'generic'
sandbox.dict = dict.toJSON()
project sandbox
when @type is 'languages'
for _langCode, language of sails.config.languages
sandbox.language = language
sandbox.langCode = language.code
sandbox.key = language.code
sandbox.dict = dict.toJSON sandbox.key
project sandbox
when @type is 'stores'
for _storeCode, store of sails.config.stores
continue if store.isHidden and not @includeHidden
continue if not store.isOpenForSale and not @includeClosed = store
sandbox.countryCode = store.countryCode
sandbox.language = store.supportedLanguages[0]
sandbox.langCode = store.supportedLanguages[0].code
sandbox.locale = "#{sandbox.langCode}-#{sandbox.countryCode}"
sandbox.key = sandbox.countryCode
sandbox.dict = dict.toJSON sandbox.key
project sandbox
when @type is 'localizations'
for _storeCode, store of sails.config.stores
continue if store.isHidden and not @includeHidden
continue if not store.isOpenForSale and not @includeClosed = store
sandbox.countryCode = store.countryCode
for language in store.supportedLanguages
sandbox.language = language
sandbox.langCode = language.code
sandbox.locale = "#{sandbox.langCode}-#{sandbox.countryCode}"
sandbox.key = sandbox.locale
sandbox.dict = dict.toJSON sandbox.key
project sandbox
throw Error "Projection type #{@type} not implemented!"
content = ejs.compile template, {}
catch e
console.error e
throw e
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