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Last active December 14, 2015 04:29
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Laboratorio de yeoman y angular (
String::pad = (l, s) ->
if (l -= @length) > 0
(s = new Array(Math.ceil(l / s.length) + 1).join(s)).substr(0, s.length) + this + s.substr(0, l - s.length)
app = angular.module "yoplayApp", ["ngResource"]
app.factory "myHttpInterceptor", ["$q", "$window", "$rootScope", ($q, $window, $rootScope) ->
(promise) ->
$rootScope.loading = true
promise.then ((response) ->
$rootScope.loading = false
), (response) ->
$rootScope.loading = false
$q.reject response
app.config [ '$httpProvider', ($httpProvider) ->
$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push "myHttpInterceptor"
app.service 'analytics', ->
@trackEvent = (category, action, opt_label) ->
_gaq.push ['_trackEvent', category, action, opt_label.toLowerCase()]
app.factory 'LastFM', ["$resource", ($resource) ->
$resource '',
method: 'GET'
api_key: '<secret>'
format: 'json'
app.factory 'VK', ["$resource", ($resource) ->
$resource '',
method: 'JSONP'
offset: 0
count: 50
auto_complete: 1
access_token: '<secret>'
app.factory "player", ["$rootScope", "$document", "analytics", "VK", ($rootScope, $document, analytics, VK) ->
player =
audio: null
audio = $document[0].createElement("audio")
$rootScope.canPlayMP3 = angular.isFunction(audio.canPlayType) && audio.canPlayType("audio/mpeg")
if $rootScope.canPlayMP3
audio.addEventListener "ended", (->
$rootScope.$apply ->
), false
player =
audio: audio
loadTrack: (track, album) ->
@album = album if angular.isDefined(album)
@track = track if angular.isDefined(track)
track = @album.tracks[@track]
window.success = (result) =>
tracks = result.response
if tracks.length
matches = tracks.filter (t) -> t.duration is +track.duration
source = if matches.length then matches[0] else tracks[0]
audio.src = source.url
analytics.trackEvent 'VK', 'player', 'successed'
track.notFound = true
@album.incomplete = true
analytics.trackEvent 'VK', 'player', 'failed'
VK.get {q: "#{@album.artist} #{}", callback: 'success'}
nextTrack: ->
@track = 0 unless @album.tracks.length > @track
app.filter "formatYear", ->
(str = '') ->
tokens = str.match(/\d{4}/)
if tokens then tokens[0] else str
app.filter "humanizeDuration", ->
(number) ->
Math.floor(+number / 60) + ":" + (+number % 60).toFixed().pad(2, "0")
@MainCtrl = ["$scope", "analytics", "LastFM", "player", ($scope, analytics, LastFM, player) ->
$scope.album = null
$scope.player = player
showInfo = (album) ->
LastFM.get {method: 'album.getinfo', mbid: album.mbid}, (result) ->
album = result.album
album.imagePath = album.image[2]['#text']
album.tracks = if angular.isArray(album.tracks.track) then album.tracks.track else [ album.tracks.track ]
$scope.album = album
player.loadTrack 0, album
$ = ->
return unless $scope.criteria
LastFM.get {method: 'artist.gettopalbums', artist: $scope.criteria}, (result) ->
albums = result.topalbums && result.topalbums.album || []
albums = [albums] unless angular.isArray(albums)
albums = albums.filter (a) -> a.mbid
if albums.length
$scope.notFoundCriteria = false
a.imagePath = a.image[1]['#text'] for a in albums
showInfo albums[0]
$scope.albums = albums
analytics.trackEvent 'LastFM', 'search', 'successed'
$scope.notFoundCriteria = $scope.criteria
analytics.trackEvent 'LastFM', 'search', 'failed'
analytics.trackEvent 'user', 'search', $scope.criteria
$scope.showInfo = (album) ->
analytics.trackEvent 'user', 'showInfo', "#{album.artist} - #{}"
$scope.getColumnStyle = (idx, total) ->
columnIdx = Math.floor(idx * 2 / total)
style = if columnIdx then 'margin-left: 350px' else ''
unless idx == 0
nextColumnIdx = Math.floor((idx - 1) * 2 / total)
style += "; margin-top: -#{Math.ceil(total / 2) * 2}0px" if nextColumnIdx isnt columnIdx
(function() {
var app;
String.prototype.pad = function(l, s) {
if ((l -= this.length) > 0) {
return (s = new Array(Math.ceil(l / s.length) + 1).join(s)).substr(0, s.length) + this + s.substr(0, l - s.length);
} else {
return this;
app = angular.module("yoplayApp", ["ngResource"]);
app.factory("myHttpInterceptor", [
"$q", "$window", "$rootScope", function($q, $window, $rootScope) {
return function(promise) {
$rootScope.loading = true;
return promise.then((function(response) {
$rootScope.loading = false;
return response;
}), function(response) {
$rootScope.loading = false;
return $q.reject(response);
'$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
return $httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push("myHttpInterceptor");
app.service('analytics', function() {
return this.trackEvent = function(category, action, opt_label) {
return _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category, action, opt_label.toLowerCase()]);
app.factory('LastFM', [
"$resource", function($resource) {
return $resource('', {}, {
get: {
method: 'GET',
params: {
api_key: '<secret>',
format: 'json'
app.factory('VK', [
"$resource", function($resource) {
return $resource('', {}, {
get: {
method: 'JSONP',
params: {
offset: 0,
count: 50,
auto_complete: 1,
access_token: '<secret>'
app.factory("player", [
"$rootScope", "$document", "analytics", "VK", function($rootScope, $document, analytics, VK) {
var audio, player;
player = {
audio: null
audio = $document[0].createElement("audio");
$rootScope.canPlayMP3 = angular.isFunction(audio.canPlayType) && audio.canPlayType("audio/mpeg");
if ($rootScope.canPlayMP3) {
audio.addEventListener("ended", (function() {
return $rootScope.$apply(function() {
return player.nextTrack();
}), false);
player = {
audio: audio,
loadTrack: function(track, album) {
var _this = this;
if (angular.isDefined(album)) {
this.album = album;
if (angular.isDefined(track)) {
this.track = track;
track = this.album.tracks[this.track];
window.success = function(result) {
var matches, source, tracks;
tracks = result.response;
if (tracks.length) {
matches = tracks.filter(function(t) {
return t.duration === +track.duration;
source = matches.length ? matches[0] : tracks[0];
audio.src = source.url;;
return analytics.trackEvent('VK', 'player', 'successed');
} else {
track.notFound = true;
_this.album.incomplete = true;
return analytics.trackEvent('VK', 'player', 'failed');
return VK.get({
q: "" + this.album.artist + " " +,
callback: 'success'
nextTrack: function() {
if (!(this.album.tracks.length > this.track)) {
this.track = 0;
return this.loadTrack();
return player;
app.filter("formatYear", function() {
return function(str) {
var tokens;
if (str == null) {
str = '';
tokens = str.match(/\d{4}/);
if (tokens) {
return tokens[0];
} else {
return str;
app.filter("humanizeDuration", function() {
return function(number) {
return Math.floor(+number / 60) + ":" + (+number % 60).toFixed().pad(2, "0");
this.MainCtrl = [
"$scope", "analytics", "LastFM", "player", function($scope, analytics, LastFM, player) {
var showInfo;
$scope.album = null;
$scope.player = player;
showInfo = function(album) {
return LastFM.get({
method: 'album.getinfo',
mbid: album.mbid
}, function(result) {
album = result.album;
album.imagePath = album.image[2]['#text'];
album.tracks = angular.isArray(album.tracks.track) ? album.tracks.track : [album.tracks.track];
$scope.album = album;
return player.loadTrack(0, album);
$ = function() {
if (!$scope.criteria) {
method: 'artist.gettopalbums',
artist: $scope.criteria
}, function(result) {
var a, albums, _i, _len;
albums = result.topalbums && result.topalbums.album || [];
if (!angular.isArray(albums)) {
albums = [albums];
albums = albums.filter(function(a) {
return a.mbid;
if (albums.length) {
$scope.notFoundCriteria = false;
for (_i = 0, _len = albums.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
a = albums[_i];
a.imagePath = a.image[1]['#text'];
$scope.albums = albums;
return analytics.trackEvent('LastFM', 'search', 'successed');
} else {
$scope.notFoundCriteria = $scope.criteria;
return analytics.trackEvent('LastFM', 'search', 'failed');
return analytics.trackEvent('user', 'search', $scope.criteria);
$scope.showInfo = function(album) {
return analytics.trackEvent('user', 'showInfo', "" + album.artist + " - " +;
return $scope.getColumnStyle = function(idx, total) {
var columnIdx, nextColumnIdx, style;
columnIdx = Math.floor(idx * 2 / total);
style = columnIdx ? 'margin-left: 350px' : '';
if (idx !== 0) {
nextColumnIdx = Math.floor((idx - 1) * 2 / total);
if (nextColumnIdx !== columnIdx) {
style += "; margin-top: -" + (Math.ceil(total / 2) * 2) + "0px";
return style;
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<title>YoPlay - Música online</title>
<meta name="description" content="Catálogo musical proporcionado por LastFM y VK">
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<body ng-app="yoplayApp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
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<p class="browser-not-supported" style='display:none' ng-hide='canPlayMP3'>Tu navegador no soporta la reproducción de ficheros mp3. Usa Chrome, IE &gt; 8 o Safari.</p>
<div class="loading" style='display:none' ng-show='loading'>
<p>cargando <img src='/images/ajax-loader.gif' /> </p>
<div class='container'>
<header class="header">
<h1 id='logo'>
<img src='/images/logo.jpg' alt='YoPlay logo'/>
<p class='lead'>Música por cortesía de <a href='' target='_blank'>Yeoman</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>LastFM</a> y <a href='' target='_blank'>VK</a>.</p>
<form ng-submit="search()">
<input type="text" class='input-xlarge' ng-model="criteria" placeholder='¿Qué artista te apetece escuchar?' />
<button class="btn btn-large btn-success">Reproducir</button>
<p class='error' style='display:none' ng-show="notFoundCriteria">* Lo siento pero no encuentro discos de "{{notFoundCriteria}}" en LastFM</p>
<section class="library" style='display:none' ng-show="albums.length">
<img class='image' ng-src="{{album.imagePath}}" title='{{}}' ng-repeat="album in albums" ng-click="showInfo(album)"/>
<section class="album-info" style='display:none' ng-show="album">
<img class='image' ng-src="{{album.imagePath}}" />
<div class="details">
<div class="page-header">
<i class="control icon-play" title='Reproducir' ng-click="" ng-show="canPlayMP3 &&"></i>
<i class="control icon-pause" title='Pausar' ng-click="" ng-hide="!canPlayMP3 ||"></i>
{{ }}
<small>{{ album.releasedate | formatYear }}</small>
<ol class='tracks'
><li class='track' style='{{ getColumnStyle($index, album.tracks.length) }}' ng-repeat="track in album.tracks" ng-class="{current: canPlayMP3 && $index==player.track, 'not-found': track.notFound}" ng-click="player.loadTrack($index)">
<span class='number muted'>{{ $index + 1 }}</span>
<span class='name'>{{ }}</span>
<span class='duration muted'>{{ track.duration | humanizeDuration }}</span>
<p class='error' style='display:none' ng-show="album.incomplete">* Parece que VK no están todas las canciones del disco</p>
<!-- build:js scripts/scripts.js -->
<script src="components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="components/angular-resource/angular-resource.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/app.js"></script>
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&.not-found {
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.error {
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