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Forked from mick001/
Created January 13, 2020 00:37
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Created on Mon Sep 4 15:06:35 2017
@author: Michy
import os
import praw
import logging
import argparse
import config_data
from datetime import datetime
from prawcore import NotFound
VERSION = '1.0'
def find_relevant_posts(reddit_obj, subreddit_name, keyword, limit=50, flag='new'):
# This function looks for relevant posts in a given subreddit using the supplied
# keywords.
# Params:
# @reddit_obj: a Reddit instance.
# @subreddit_name: name of the subreddit to be searched (string)
# @keyword: keyword to be used for the search (string)
# @limit: maximum number of posts searched (integer).
# @flag: Reddit's posts flag (string).
# Returns a tuple of two lists, titles and urls containing the titles and
# the urls of the relevant posts, respectively.
subreddit = reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name)
if flag == 'new':
new_submissions =
elif flag == 'rising':
new_submissions = subreddit.rising(limit=limit)
elif flag == 'controversial':
new_submissions = subreddit.controversial(limit=limit)
elif flag == 'top':
new_submissions =
new_submissions =
urls = []
titles = []
for submission in new_submissions:
if not submission.stickied:
if keyword in submission.title.lower() or keyword in submission.selftext.lower():
return titles, urls
def find_relevant_posts_wider(reddit_obj, subreddit_names, keywords, limit=50, flag='new'):
# This function looks for relevant posts in each subreddit supplied using the
# keywords supplied in the keywords argument.
# Params:
# @reddit_obj: a Reddit instance.
# @subreddit_names: names of the subreddit to be searched (list of strings)
# @keywords: keywords to be used for the search (list of string)
# @limit: maximum number of posts searched (integer).
# @flag: Reddit's posts flag (string).
# Returns a tuple of two lists, titles_wider and urls_wider containing the
# titles and the urls of the relevant posts, respectively.
titles_wider = []
urls_wider = []
for subreddit in subreddit_names:
for keyword in keywords:
titles, urls = find_relevant_posts(reddit_obj, subreddit, keyword, limit, flag)
for t, u in zip(titles, urls):
return titles_wider, urls_wider
def save_findings(titles, urls, filename):
# This function saves the results of the search.
# Params:
# @titles: titles of the posts (list of strings).
# @urls: urls of the posts (list of strings).
# @filename: name of the file to save (string).
# Returns void.
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
if os.path.exists(filename):
mode = 'a'
mode = 'w'
with open(filename, mode) as f:
for t, u in zip(titles, urls):
f.write('\n'.join([t, u]))
print("Search results saved in {}".format(filename))
def check_subreddit_exists(reddit, subreddit):
# This function checks if a subreddit exists.
# Params:
# @reddit: a Reddit instance.
# @subreddit: subreddit to be checked (string).
# Returns: True if the subreddit exists, false otherwise.
exists = True
reddit.subreddits.search_by_name(subreddit, exact=True)
except NotFound:
exists = False
return exists
def check_limit_range(limit):
# This function checks that the limit parameter is in the 1-500 range.
# If limit is not within the selected range, an ArgumentTypeError is raised.
# Params:
# @limit: limit to be checked (integer)
# Returns: limit
limit = int(limit)
if limit <= 0 or limit > 500:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{} is not a valid value".format(limit))
return limit
def setup_argparser():
# This function sets up the argument parser.
# Returns the arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Reddit Browsing Bot version {}'.format(VERSION))
parser.add_argument('-s','--subreddits', type=str, required=True, help='Subreddits to look into.')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--keywords', type=str, required=True, help='Keywords to search for.')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--limit', type=check_limit_range, default=50, help='Maximum number of searches. Must be included in the range 1 - 500')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--flag', type=str, default='new', choices=['new', 'rising', 'controversial', 'top'], help='Reddit flags.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help='Output file name.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Be verbose? Prints output if flag is set.')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def setup_logger():
# This function sets up the logger.
# Returns logger.
logging.basicConfig(filename='reddit_bot_log.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(name='Reddit Browsing Bot V. {}'.format(VERSION))
return logger
# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Setup argument parser
args = setup_argparser()
# Initialize logger
logger = setup_logger()
# Retrieve arguments
subreddits = args.subreddits
keywords = args.keywords
limit = args.limit
flag = args.flag
filename = args.output
verbose = args.verbose
# Initialize reddit instance
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = config_data.client_id,
client_secret = config_data.client_secret,
username = config_data.username,
password = config_data.password,
user_agent = 'Reading bot looking for hot topics')
logger.log(logging.INFO, "Reddit instance initiated.")
# Check if every subreddits exist. Ignore those that do not exist
subreddits = [sub.lower() for sub in subreddits if check_subreddit_exists(reddit, sub.lower())]
# Check that length of keywords is > 1. Ignore keywords whose length is < 1
keywords = [key.lower() for key in keywords if len(key) > 1]
print("Subreddits searched: {} \nKeywords used {}\n\n".format(subreddits, keywords))
# Start search
"Started search for {} in {} at {}".format(keywords,
subreddits,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
titles, urls = find_relevant_posts_wider(reddit, subreddits, keywords, limit, flag)
logger.log(logging.INFO, "Search ended.")
# Save findings if a filename has been provided.
if filename is not None:
logger.log(logging.INFO, "Saving data.")
save_findings(titles, urls, filename)
# If the program needs to be verbose or if filename has not been provided,
# print output to the console
if verbose or filename is None:
for t, u in zip(titles, urls):
print(t, u, sep='\n', end='\n\n')
# Main ended
logger.log(logging.INFO, "Main executon ended successfully.")
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