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Last active February 24, 2020 13:04
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# run via
# source("")
# tidyverse
"tidyverse", "broom",
# io
"RODBC", "odbc", "readxl", "writexl", "dbplyr",
# development
"devtools", "testthat", "roxygen2", "assertthat",
# modelling
"forecast", "randomForest", "partykit", "h2o",
# reporting
"shiny", "shinydashboard", "shinythemes", "flexdashboard",
"knitr", "rmarkdown", "xaringan", "revealjs",
# widgets
"highcharter", "DT", "leaflet",
# ggplot
"ggplot2", "hrbrthemes", "ggmap", "ggrepel", "patchwork", "ggforce"
# others
#"igraph", "geojsonio", "curl", "RCurl", "V8", "reprex", "furrr", "santoku"
), repos = "")
# source("")
# source("")
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