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Jonathon Hodges jbl0ndie

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jbl0ndie / Jira cards Done yesterday (or Friday if Monday
Last active January 17, 2023 11:06
Jira JQL for Done and updated today, or updated yesterday, or updated Friday
// Jira JQL Done, updated today, or updated yesterday, or updated Friday
status = Done AND (updated > startofday() OR (updated > -1d) OR (updated <= startofWeek() AND updated > -3d))
// Jira JQL resolved, resolved today, or resolved yesterday, or resolved Friday
status = Done AND (resolved > startofday() OR resolved > -1d OR resolved <= startofWeek() AND resolved > -3d)
jbl0ndie / gist:a773b26c0a53c708b458841256aed5d1
Created January 28, 2022 16:11
Excluding labels in Jira with JQL
AND Labels != XYZ
# Jira returns only cards with a label but not XYZ
# does not return cards without a label, which is unexpected when you first think of it
# is returning cards with labels, specifically labels !=XYZ
# Solution: be explicit
AND (Labels is null OR Labels != XYZ)
# returns all cards without a label or a label which is not XYZ
jbl0ndie / gist:65c97ca4e6e6c7c5b830cf684e144a9a
Created April 4, 2017 21:41
Gracefully quit OS X application from command line
osascript -e 'quit app "APPLICATIONNAME"'
osascript -e 'quit app "Calculator"'
I used this before running a rsync (well Grsync actually) script,
so my database application wasn't running while it was backed up.
jbl0ndie / multiSend01.workflow
Created March 21, 2017 13:25
Send a file or files as Mail attachments in OS X from Finder, with the subject as the filename
on run {input, parameters}
(* This script takes a selection of files, appends them to individual emails to a predetermined address
using the filename as the subject of the email and then sends it *)
set mgPeople to "YourSenderName"
set mgAddress to ""
--set mgAddress to "" --debug address
set theSender to ""
set mgContent to ""
jbl0ndie / gist:f5c752841901e9484d20bacbb6ceddf9
Last active April 28, 2017 09:08
OS X (or Mac OS) stops showing thumbnail images - fix
//Open Terminal
cd ~/Library/Preferences
rm //Delete Finder's property list
sudo killall Finder //Kills Finder which should prompt OS X to restart it automatically
//Optional manual restart of Finder
open /System/Library/CoreServices/
//Adapted from
jbl0ndie / copyImagePath.workflow
Created February 12, 2017 16:04
AppleScript to copy the path of an image in the syntax required by TiddlyWiki for easy image embedding
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set fileName to selection as alias
set fileName to POSIX path of fileName
set firstPart to "[img[" & fileName
set imagePath to firstPart & "]]"
set the clipboard to imagePath
end tell
jbl0ndie / gist:b88df3af99ba7adaabb73088c8f4feb3
Created August 16, 2016 13:28
Join pdfs in Linux terminal
pdfunite in-1.pdf in-2.pdf in-n.pdf out.pdf
#User downloads a pdf but it's an image only document and the text cannot be searched
#open a terminal
#brew install tesseract (unless you already have it installed)
#open the document in Preview and export to a Tiff document (multipage is supported, 150dpi seems ok
#change to the file directory in terminal to save you the bother of putting the full path in
#tesseract filename.tiff outputfilename pdf
#tesseract then crunches through your file and creates an output file with the specified name and filetype
force quit the following daemon
or in the terminal
killall -9
that then restarts the failed daemon
test oh yeah
#pragma once
#include "ofMain.h"
ofMesh generatePieMesh( float radius, float segments ) {
// Create our mesh.
ofMesh mesh;
// Add the center point