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Forked from jcward/Readme.txt
Last active March 12, 2021 16:37
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Generating iOS P12 / certs without Mac OSX Keychain (on linux, windows, etc)

How to Generate iOS P12 certs without MAC OSX

Steps to generate

  1. Install openssl via choco:
choco install openssl -y
  1. Generate a private key and certificate signing request:
openssl genrsa -out ios_distribution.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ios_distribution.key -out ios_distribution.csr -subj '/, CN=Example, C=US'
  1. Upload CSR to apple at:
  • Choose Production -> App Store and Ad Hoc
  1. Download the resulting ios_distribution.cer, and convert it to .pem format:
openssl x509 -inform der -in ios_distribution.cer -out ios_distribution.pem
  1. Download Apple's Worldwide developer cert (from portal) and convert it to pem:
openssl x509 -in AppleWWDRCA.cer -inform DER -out AppleWWDRCA.pem -outform PEM
  1. Convert your cert plus Apple's cert to p12 format (choose a password for the .p12):
openssl pkcs12 -export -out ios_distribution.p12 -inkey ios_distribution.key -in ios_distribution.pem -certfile AppleWWDRCA.pem

Finally, update any provisioning profiles with the new certificate, and download from Apple Dev portal.

Store certificate in a repository

If you like to GPG (cryptographic tool) your certificates and store them in your repo:

tar -cf ios_distribution.tar ios_distribution.* *.mobileprovision Apple*
gpg -c ios_distribution.tar

Decrypt and untar using:

gpg --decrypt ios_distribution.tar | tar -x

Here's a .gitignore that ignores everything in the directory (aka, certs and keys, which you don't want to check in) except the .gpg file and itself:

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