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Last active November 13, 2015 17:04
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Vending Machine Akka Supervision Demo
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// Coffee types
trait CoffeeType
case object BlackCoffee extends CoffeeType
case object Latte extends CoffeeType
case object Espresso extends CoffeeType
// Commands
case class Coins(number: Int)
case class Selection(coffee: CoffeeType)
case object TriggerOutOfCoffeeBeansFailure
// Replies
case class Beverage(coffee: CoffeeType)
// Errors
case class NotEnoughCoinsError(message: String)
// Failures
case class OutOfCoffeeBeansFailure(customer: ActorRef,
pendingOrder: Selection,
nrOfInsertedCoins: Int) extends Exception
class CoffeeMachineManager extends Actor {
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 1.minute) {
case e: OutOfCoffeeBeansFailure =>
println(s"ServiceGuy notified: $e")
case _: Exception =>
// to simplify things he is only managing 1 single machine
val machine = context.actorOf(Props[CoffeeMachine], name = "coffeeMachine")
def receive = {
case request => machine.forward(request)
class CoffeeMachine extends Actor {
val price = 2
var nrOfInsertedCoins = 0
var outOfCoffeeBeans = false
var totalNrOfCoins = 0
def receive = {
case Coins(nr) =>
nrOfInsertedCoins += nr
totalNrOfCoins += nr
println(s"Inserted [$nr] coins")
println(s"Total number of coins in machine is [$totalNrOfCoins]")
case selection @ Selection(coffeeType) =>
if (nrOfInsertedCoins < price)
sender.tell(NotEnoughCoinsError(s"Please insert [${price - nrOfInsertedCoins}] coins"), self)
else {
if (outOfCoffeeBeans)
throw new OutOfCoffeeBeansFailure(sender, selection, nrOfInsertedCoins)
println(s"Brewing your $coffeeType")
sender.tell(Beverage(coffeeType), self)
nrOfInsertedCoins = 0
case TriggerOutOfCoffeeBeansFailure =>
outOfCoffeeBeans = true
override def postRestart(failure: Throwable): Unit = {
println(s"Restarting coffee machine...")
failure match {
case OutOfCoffeeBeansFailure(customer, pendingOrder, coins) =>
nrOfInsertedCoins = coins
outOfCoffeeBeans = false
println(s"Resubmitting pending order $pendingOrder")
context.self.tell(pendingOrder, customer) // fake the sender to be the customer®
object VendingMachineDemo extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("vendingMachineDemo")
val coffeeMachine = system.actorOf(Props[CoffeeMachineManager], "coffeeMachineManager")
val customer = Inbox.create(system) // emulates the customer
// Insert 2 coins and get an Espresso
customer.send(coffeeMachine, Coins(2))
customer.send(coffeeMachine, Selection(Espresso))
val Beverage(coffee1) = customer.receive(5.seconds)
println(s"Got myself an $coffee1")
assert(coffee1 == Espresso)
// Insert 1 coin and fail to get a Latte
customer.send(coffeeMachine, Coins(1))
customer.send(coffeeMachine, Selection(Latte))
val NotEnoughCoinsError(message) = customer.receive(5.seconds)
println(s"Got myself a validation error: $message")
assert(message == "Please insert [1] coins")
// Insert 1 coin (had 1 before) and try to get my Latte
// Machine should:
// 1. Fail
// 2. Restart
// 3. Resubmit my order
// 4. Give me my coffee
customer.send(coffeeMachine, Coins(1))
customer.send(coffeeMachine, TriggerOutOfCoffeeBeansFailure)
customer.send(coffeeMachine, Selection(Latte))
val Beverage(coffee2) = customer.receive(5.seconds)
println(s"Got myself a $coffee2")
assert(coffee2 == Latte)
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jboner commented Nov 13, 2015

Persistent version (using event logging through Akka Persistence) here:

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