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Last active October 27, 2015 06:56
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  • Save jboning/4db8b8aaf62131b4c0a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jboning/4db8b8aaf62131b4c0a6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
StepMania5.0.9 crash report (build 0, 20150620 @ 17:37:55)
Architecture: Mac OS X (i386)
Crash reason: AxisFix
Crashed thread: Main thread
Thread: GUI thread
Thread: Main thread
FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini).
FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini).
FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini).
FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini).
ScreenOptionsMasterPrefs.cpp:137 AxisFix
Thread: Decode thread
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
Thread: Music thread
Thread: HAL I/O thread
Thread: Worker thread (MemoryCardWorker)
Thread: Worker thread (/@mc1int/)
Thread: Worker thread (/@mc2int/)
Thread: Input thread
0067919c: CrashHandler::ForceCrash(char const*)
0067f05d: sm_crash(char const*)
0052a134: void MovePref<bool>(int&, bool, ConfOption const*)
002b6943: OptionRowHandlerConfig::ImportOption(OptionRow*, std::vector<PlayerNumber, std::allocator<PlayerNumber> > const&, std::vector<bool, std::allocator<bool> >*) const
002aaa10: OptionRow::ImportOptions(std::vector<PlayerNumber, std::allocator<PlayerNumber> > const&)
0051c677: ScreenOptionsMaster::ImportOptions(int, std::vector<PlayerNumber, std::allocator<PlayerNumber> > const&)
004fc7c2: ScreenOptions::BeginScreen()
004cc2d2: ScreenManagerUtil::GetPreppedScreen(StdString::CStdStr<char> const&, ScreenManagerUtil::LoadedScreen&)
004cf70e: ScreenManager::ActivatePreparedScreenAndBackground(StdString::CStdStr<char> const&)
004cf7d2: ScreenManager::ActivatePreparedScreenAndBackground(StdString::CStdStr<char> const&)
004ced68: ScreenManager::LoadDelayedScreen()
004ce897: ScreenManager::Update(float)
00127598: GameLoop::RunGameLoop()
005eb9d6: sm_main
00676afb: -[SMMain startGame:]
Static log:
Compiled 20150620 @ 17:37:55 (build 0)
Log starting 2015-10-26 23:50:27
Loading window: macosx
Model: MacBookPro11,1 (4/4)
Clock speed 2.60 GHz
Mac OS X 10.10.2
Memory: 8.00 GB
Sound driver: AudioUnit
Lights driver: SystemMessage
WARNING: Main title or music file for '/Songs/[Anime] anime boston 2010/Fanatic/' came up blank, forced to fall back on TidyUpData to fix title and paths. Do not use # or ; in a song title.
WARNING: Main title or music file for '/Songs/[Anime] anime boston 2010/magic number/' came up blank, forced to fall back on TidyUpData to fix title and paths. Do not use # or ; in a song title.
WARNING: Main title or music file for '/Songs/ITGAlex's Compilation 2/#Fairy_dancing_in_lake/' came up blank, forced to fall back on TidyUpData to fix title and paths. Do not use # or ; in a song title.
WARNING: Main title or music file for '/Songs/Mudkyp 7th Gen/#SELFIE/' came up blank, forced to fall back on TidyUpData to fix title and paths. Do not use # or ; in a song title.
Video renderers: 'opengl'
Paletted textures disabled: GL_EXT_paletted_texture missing.
OGL Vendor: Intel Inc.
OGL Renderer: Intel Iris OpenGL Engine
OGL Version: 2.1 INTEL-10.2.46
OGL Max texture size: 16384
OGL Texture units: 8
GLU Version: 1.3 MacOSX
OGL Extensions:
GL_APPLE: aux_depth_stencil, client_storage, element_array, fence, float_pixels, flush_buffer_range,
flush_render, object_purgeable, packed_pixels, pixel_buffer, rgb_422, row_bytes, specular_vector,
texture_range, transform_hint, vertex_array_object, vertex_array_range, vertex_point_size,
vertex_program_evaluators, ycbcr_422
GL_ARB: color_buffer_float, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp, depth_texture, draw_buffers,
draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_instanced, fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow, fragment_shader,
framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB, half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, instanced_arrays, multisample,
multitexture, occlusion_query, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite, provoking_vertex,
seamless_cube_map, shader_objects, shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100, shadow, sync,
texture_border_clamp, texture_compression, texture_compression_rgtc, texture_cube_map, texture_env_add,
texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar, texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_mirrored_repeat,
texture_non_power_of_two, texture_rectangle, texture_rg, transpose_matrix, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_blend,
vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader, window_pos
GL_ATI: separate_stencil, texture_env_combine3, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
GL_EXT: abgr, bgra, blend_color, blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax, blend_subtract,
clip_volume_hint, debug_label, debug_marker, draw_buffers2, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit,
framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB,
geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4, multi_draw_arrays, packed_depth_stencil, packed_float,
provoking_vertex, rescale_normal, secondary_color, separate_specular_color, shadow_funcs, stencil_two_side,
stencil_wrap, texture_array, texture_compression_dxt1, texture_compression_s3tc, texture_env_add,
texture_filter_anisotropic, texture_integer, texture_lod_bias, texture_rectangle, texture_sRGB,
texture_sRGB_decode, texture_shared_exponent, timer_query, transform_feedback, vertex_array_bgra
GL_NV: blend_square, conditional_render, depth_clamp, fog_distance, light_max_exponent, texgen_reflection,
GL_SGIS: generate_mipmap, texture_edge_clamp, texture_lod
OpenGL Windowed 1600x900 32 color 16 texture 60Hz Vsync SmoothLines
WARNING: Couldn't initialize device.
Players joined: P1, P2
Top Screen: ScreenOptionsInput
Language: en
Current renderer: OpenGL
Theme: default
Partial log:
00:39.356: 16x 16 (36) OptionsUnderlineP1 Middle (doubleres).png
00:39.356: 16x 16 (36) OptionsUnderlineP1 Right (doubleres).png
00:39.356: 512x1024 ( 1) ScreenOptions page.png
00:39.356: 64x1024 ( 2) Header.png
00:39.356: 8x 8 ( 1) _texture stripe (stretch).png
00:39.356: 1x 1 (12) __blank__
00:39.356: total 39302017 texels
00:39.356: PushScreen: "ScreenOptionsInput"
00:39.357: RageSound: Load "/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/_missing.ogg" (precache: 0)
00:39.357: Sound "/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/_missing.ogg" has a start time 0.000005 seconds in the past
-- End of report
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