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Last active June 7, 2022 16:32
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Morse code baseband file synthesizer for HackRF.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# This is a terrible, quick hack of a Morse code baseband file generator.
# Run to generate a file that contains baseband data you can later transmit
# with hackrf_transfer:
# MYCALLSIGN baseband.cs8
# Use with hackrf_transfer as follows to transmit at 144.05MHz:
# hackrf_transfer -s 8000000 -x 16 -a 0 -f 144050000 -b 1750000 -t baseband.cs8
import sys
import numpy
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: <command> <message> <output file>")
message = sys.argv[1]
sample_rate = 8000000
unit_seconds = 0.1
amplitude = 127
character_to_symbols_map = {
'A': '.-',
'B': '-...',
'C': '-.-.',
'D': '-..',
'E': '.',
'F': '..-.',
'G': '--.',
'H': '....',
'I': '..',
'J': '.---',
'K': '-.-',
'L': '.-..',
'M': '--',
'N': '-.',
'O': '---',
'P': '.--.',
'Q': '--.-',
'R': '.-.',
'S': '...',
'T': '-',
'U': '..-',
'V': '...-',
'W': '.--',
'X': '-..-',
'Y': '-.--',
'Z': '--..',
'1': '.----',
'2': '..---',
'3': '...--',
'4': '....-',
'5': '.....',
'6': '-....',
'7': '--...',
'8': '---..',
'9': '----.',
'0': '-----',
' ': ' ',
def make_baseband_samples_dc(on, length_units):
length_samples = int(round(unit_seconds * length_units * sample_rate))
# Why multiply by two?
# Need I and Q components of complex vector for each sample.
return numpy.ones((length_samples * 2,), dtype=numpy.int8) * on
def make_baseband_samples(amplitude, length_units):
frequency = 1000.0
length_samples = int(round(unit_seconds * length_units * sample_rate))
k = 2 * numpy.pi * frequency / sample_rate
w = k * numpy.arange(length_samples)
return numpy.exp(w * 1j) * amplitude
dot_units = 1
dash_units = 3
space_internal_units = 1
space_letters_units = 3
space_words_units = 7
baseband_dot = make_baseband_samples(1, dot_units)
baseband_dash = make_baseband_samples(1, dash_units)
baseband_between_symbols = make_baseband_samples(0, space_internal_units)
baseband_between_letters = make_baseband_samples(0, space_letters_units - space_internal_units)
baseband_space = make_baseband_samples(0, space_words_units - space_letters_units - space_internal_units)
symbol_to_baseband_map = {
'.': baseband_dot,
'-': baseband_dash,
' ': baseband_space,
# Start with a little silence.
output = [baseband_space]
for character in message.upper():
symbols = character_to_symbols_map[character]
for symbol in symbols:
# Append a little extra silence at the end.
output = numpy.concatenate(output) * amplitude
output_int = numpy.empty((len(output) * 2,), dtype=numpy.int8)
output_int[0::2] = numpy.round(output.real)
output_int[1::2] = numpy.round(output.imag)
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