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Last active July 29, 2020 03:21
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Checks Ansible's ansible_builtin_runtime.yml for any missing or extra plugin entries
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import yaml
'callback': {'formerly_core_callback', 'formerly_core_missing_callback', 'formerly_core_removed_callback'},
'connection': {'redirected_local'},
'inventory': {'formerly_core_inventory'},
'lookup': {'formerly_core_lookup'},
'shell': {'formerly_core_powershell'},
'module': {'async_status.ps1', 'formerly_core_ping', 'setup.ps1', 'slurp.ps1', 'uses_redirected_action'},
def ansible_checkout(ansible_dir, branch):['git', 'checkout', branch], cwd=ansible_dir, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
async def ansible_doc(ansible_dir, *args):
command_args = list(args)
if '--json' not in command_args:
#command_args.insert(0, sys.executable)
command_args.insert(0, os.path.join(ansible_dir, 'bin', 'ansible-doc'))
doc_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(sys.executable, *command_args,
stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, env={
'PYTHONPATH': os.path.join(ansible_dir, 'lib'),
'ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS': '', # Don't pick up any 3rd party collections
stdout, _ = await doc_process.communicate()
return json.loads(stdout.decode().strip())
def get_ansible_plugins(ansible_dir):
if asyncio.get_event_loop().is_closed():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
commands = asyncio.gather(*[ansible_doc(ansible_dir, '--list', '-t', t) for t in PLUGIN_TYPES])
results = loop.run_until_complete(commands)
return {t: set(results[i].keys()) for i, t in enumerate(PLUGIN_TYPES)}
def filter_aliases(ansible_dir, modules):
cmd = [
os.path.join(ansible_dir, 'bin', 'ansible-doc'),
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env={
'PYTHONPATH': os.path.join(ansible_dir, 'lib'),
'ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS': '', # Don't pick up any 3rd party collections
stdout, _ = process.communicate()
doc_output = json.loads(stdout)
aliased_modules = set(m for m, d in doc_output.items() if m != d['doc']['module'])
return modules.difference(aliased_modules)
def main():
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
ansible_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'ansible')['git', 'clone', '', ansible_dir])
ansible_checkout(ansible_dir, 'stable-2.10')
ansible_210 = get_ansible_plugins(ansible_dir)
runtime_path = os.path.join(ansible_dir, 'lib', 'ansible', 'config', 'ansible_builtin_runtime.yml')
with open(runtime_path, mode='r') as runtime_fd:
builtin_runtime = yaml.safe_load(runtime_fd)
ansible_checkout(ansible_dir, 'stable-2.9')
ansible_29 = get_ansible_plugins(ansible_dir)
missing_plugins = {}
extra_plugins = {}
for plugin_type, plugins in ansible_29.items():
ansible_entries = ansible_210.get(plugin_type, {})
routing_type = 'modules' if plugin_type == 'module' else plugin_type
routed_entries = set(builtin_runtime['plugin_routing'].get(routing_type, {}).keys())
total_210_entries = ansible_entries.union(routed_entries)
missing_entries = plugins.difference(total_210_entries)
extra_entries = total_210_entries.difference(plugins.union(IGNORE_EXTRAS.get(plugin_type, {})))
if missing_entries:
missing_plugins[plugin_type] = sorted(list(missing_entries))
# ansible-doc does not return aliased modules with --list. We need to filter out the extra entries in
# redirection that are just an alias for another module
if extra_entries and plugin_type == 'module':
extra_entries = filter_aliases(ansible_dir, extra_entries)
if extra_entries:
extra_plugins[plugin_type] = sorted(list(extra_entries))
if missing_plugins:
print("ansible_builtin_runtime.yml is missing the following routing entries")
if extra_plugins:
print("ansible_builtin_runtime.yml contains extra routing entries")
if __name__ == '__main__':
- apconos
- aws_ssm
- vmware
- lmdb_kv
- openshift
- unvault
- apconos_command
- aws_acm
- aws_step_functions_state_machine
- aws_step_functions_state_machine_execution
- ce_is_is_instance
- ce_is_is_interface
- ce_is_is_view
- ce_lacp
- ce_lldp
- ce_lldp_interface
- ce_mdn_interface
- ce_multicast_global
- ce_multicast_igmp_enable
- ce_static_route_bfd
- cloudformation_exports_info
- cloudwatchlogs_log_group_metric_filter
- ec2_tag_info
- ecs_domain
- ecs_tag
- eos_acl_interfaces
- eos_acls
- eos_ospfv2
- eos_static_routes
- exos_l2_interfaces
- exos_lldp_interfaces
- exos_vlans
- gcp_compute_network_endpoint_group
- gcp_compute_network_endpoint_group_info
- gcp_compute_node_group
- gcp_compute_node_group_info
- gcp_compute_node_template
- gcp_compute_node_template_info
- gcp_compute_region_backend_service
- gcp_compute_region_backend_service_info
- gcp_compute_reservation
- gcp_compute_reservation_info
- gcp_compute_target_instance
- gcp_compute_target_instance_info
- gcp_logging_metric
- gcp_logging_metric_info
- gcp_runtimeconfig_config
- gcp_runtimeconfig_config_info
- gcp_runtimeconfig_variable
- gcp_runtimeconfig_variable_info
- gcp_serviceusage_service
- gcp_serviceusage_service_info
- hcloud_floating_ip
- hetzner_firewall
- hetzner_firewall_info
- hwc_ecs_instance
- hwc_evs_disk
- hwc_vpc_eip
- hwc_vpc_peering_connect
- hwc_vpc_port
- hwc_vpc_private_ip
- hwc_vpc_route
- hwc_vpc_security_group
- hwc_vpc_security_group_rule
- hwc_vpc_subnet
- iam_policy_info
- iam_saml_federation
- iam_user_info
- ios_acl_interfaces
- ios_acls
- ios_ospfv2
- ios_static_routes
- iosxr_acl_interfaces
- iosxr_acls
- iosxr_ospfv2
- iosxr_static_routes
- ipwcli_dns
- junos_acl_interfaces
- junos_acls
- junos_ospfv2
- junos_static_routes
- lbu
- ldap_attrs
- mas
- mongodb_info
- mso_schema_template_external_epg_contract
- mso_schema_template_external_epg_subnet
- mysql_query
- nxos_acl_interfaces
- nxos_acls
- nxos_devicealias
- nxos_hsrp_interfaces
- nxos_lldp_interfaces
- nxos_ospfv2
- nxos_static_routes
- nxos_vsan
- nxos_zone_zoneset
- onyx_aaa
- onyx_bfd
- onyx_ntp
- onyx_ntp_servers_peers
- onyx_snmp
- onyx_snmp_hosts
- onyx_snmp_users
- onyx_syslog_files
- onyx_syslog_remote
- onyx_username
- ovh_monthly_billing
- ovirt_vnic_profile_info
- packet_ip_subnet
- packet_project
- packet_volume
- packet_volume_attachment
- podman_container_info
- podman_volume_info
- postgresql_subscription
- postgresql_user_obj_stat_info
- ucs_query
- vmware_guest_controller
- vmware_guest_cross_vc_clone
- vmware_guest_register_operation
- vmware_guest_serial_port
- vmware_guest_tools_info
- vmware_host_auto_start
- vmware_host_dns
- vmware_vsan_health_info
- vyos_firewall_global
- vyos_firewall_interfaces
- vyos_firewall_rules
- vyos_ospfv2
- vyos_static_routes
- win_initialize_disk
- x509_crl
- x509_crl_info
- zabbix_host_events_info
- zabbix_service
- zabbix_template_info
- zabbix_user
- zabbix_user_info
- zabbix_valuemap
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