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Last active April 17, 2024 03:00
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Cross platform way to search for and download updates listed in the Microsoft Update catalog
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Jordan Borean (@jborean93) <>
# MIT License (see LICENSE or
# Script to search for updates in the Microsoft Update Catalog. Works on both Python 2 and 3 but requires BeautifulSoup
# to be installed -
import contextlib
import datetime
import json
import re
import uuid
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode, urlparse
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen, urlretrieve
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib import quote, urlencode, urlretrieve
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
from urlparse import urlparse
DOWNLOAD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\[(\d*)\]\.url = [\"\'](http[s]?://w{0,3}.?download\.windowsupdate\.com/[^\'\"]*)')
PRODUCT_SPLIT_PATTERN = re.compile(r',(?=[^\s])')
def fetch_url(url, data=None, headers=None):
# Python 2 does not have urlopen as a contextmanager, just make our own
req = Request(url, data=data, headers=headers)
resp = urlopen(req)
yield resp
class WUDownloadInfo:
def __init__(self, download_id, url, raw):
Contains information about an individual download link for an update. An update might have multiple download
links available and this keeps track of the metadata for each of them.
:param download_id: The ID that relates to the download URL.
:param url: The download URL for this entry.
:param raw: The raw response text of the downloads page.
self.url = url
self.digest = None
self.architectures = None
self.languages = None
self.long_languages = None
self.file_name = None
attribute_map = {
'digest': 'digest',
'architectures': 'architectures',
'languages': 'languages',
'long_languages': 'longLanguages',
'file_name': 'fileName',
for attrib_name, raw_name in attribute_map.items():
regex_pattern = r"\[%s]\.%s = ['\"]([\w\-\.=+\/\(\) ]*)['\"];" \
% (re.escape(download_id), re.escape(raw_name))
regex_match =, raw)
if regex_match:
setattr(self, attrib_name,
def __str__(self):
return "%s - %s" % (self.file_name or "unknown", self.long_languages or "unknown language")
class WindowsUpdate:
def __init__(self, raw_element):
Stores information about a Windows Update entry.
:param raw_element: The raw XHTML element that has been parsed by BeautifulSoup4.
cells = raw_element.find_all('td')
self.title = cells[1].get_text().strip()
# Split , if there is no space ahead.
products = cells[2].get_text().strip()
self.products = list(filter(None, re.split(PRODUCT_SPLIT_PATTERN, products)))
self.classification = cells[3].get_text().strip()
self.last_updated = datetime.datetime.strptime(cells[4].get_text().strip(), '%m/%d/%Y')
self.version = cells[5].get_text().strip()
self.size = int(cells[6].find_all('span')[1].get_text().strip()) = uuid.UUID(cells[7].find('input').attrs['id'])
self._details = None
self._architecture = None
self._description = None
self._download_urls = None
self._kb_numbers = None
self._more_information = None
self._msrc_number = None
self._msrc_severity = None
self._support_url = None
def architecture(self):
""" The architecture of the update. """
if not self._architecture:
details = self._get_details()
raw_arch = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_labelArchitecture_Separator')
self._architecture = raw_arch.next_sibling.strip()
return self._architecture
def description(self):
""" The description of the update. """
if not self._description:
details = self._get_details()
self._description = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_desc').get_text()
return self._description
def download_url(self):
""" The download URL of the update, will fail if the update contains multiple packages. """
download_urls = self.get_download_urls()
if len(download_urls) != 1:
raise ValueError("Expecting only 1 download link for '%s', received %d. Use get_download_urls() and "
"filter it based on your criteria." % (str(self), len(download_urls)))
return download_urls[0].url
def kb_numbers(self):
""" A list of KB article numbers that apply to the update. """
if self._kb_numbers is None:
details = self._get_details()
raw_kb = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_labelKBArticle_Separator')
# If no KB's apply then the value will be n/a. Technically an update can have multiple KBs but I have
# not been able to find an example of this so cannot test that scenario.
self._kb_numbers = [int(n.strip()) for n in list(raw_kb.next_siblings) if n.strip().lower() != 'n/a']
return self._kb_numbers
def more_information(self):
""" Typically the URL of the KB article for the update but it can be anything. """
if self._more_information is None:
details = self._get_details()
raw_info = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_labelMoreInfo_Separator')
self._more_information = list(raw_info.next_siblings)[1].get_text().strip()
return self._more_information
def msrc_number(self):
""" The MSRC Number for the update, set to n/a if not defined. """
if self._msrc_number is None:
details = self._get_details()
raw_info = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_labelSecurityBulliten_Separator')
self._msrc_number = list(raw_info.next_siblings)[0].strip()
return self._msrc_number
def msrc_severity(self):
""" THe MSRC severity level for the update, set to Unspecified if not defined. """
if self._msrc_severity is None:
details = self._get_details()
self._msrc_severity = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_msrcSeverity').get_text().strip()
return self._msrc_severity
def support_url(self):
""" The support URL for the update. """
if self._support_url is None:
details = self._get_details()
raw_info = details.find(id='ScopedViewHandler_labelSupportUrl_Separator')
self._support_url = list(raw_info.next_siblings)[1].get_text().strip()
return self._support_url
def get_download_urls(self):
Get a list of WUDownloadInfo objects for the current update. These objects contain the download URL for all the
packages inside the update.
if self._download_urls is None:
update_ids = json.dumps({
'size': 0,
'updateID': str(,
'uidInfo': str(,
data = urlencode({'updateIDs': '[%s]' % update_ids}).encode('utf-8')
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
with fetch_url('%s/DownloadDialog.aspx' % CATALOG_URL, data=data, headers=headers) as resp:
resp_text ='utf-8').strip()
link_matches = re.findall(DOWNLOAD_PATTERN, resp_text)
if len(link_matches) == 0:
raise ValueError("Failed to find any download links for '%s'" % str(self))
download_urls = []
for download_id, url in link_matches:
download_urls.append(WUDownloadInfo(download_id, url, resp_text))
self._download_urls = download_urls
return self._download_urls
def _get_details(self):
if not self._details:
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
with fetch_url('%s/ScopedViewInline.aspx?updateid=%s' % (CATALOG_URL, str(,
headers=headers) as resp:
resp_text ='utf-8').strip()
self._details = BeautifulSoup(resp_text, 'html.parser')
return self._details
def __str__(self):
return self.title
def find_updates(search, all_updates=False, sort=None, sort_reverse=False, data=None):
Generator function that yields WindowsUpdate objects for each update found on the Microsoft Update catalog.
Yields a list of updates from the Microsoft Update catalog. These updates can then be downloaded locally using the
.download(path) function.
:param search: The search string used when searching the update catalog.
:param all_updates: Set to True to continue to search on all pages and not just the first 25. This can dramatically
increase the runtime of the script so use with caution.
:param sort: The field name as seen in the update catalog GUI to sort by. Setting this will result in 1 more call
to the catalog URL.
:param sort_reverse: Reverse the sort after initially sorting it. Setting this will result in 1 more call after
the sort call to the catalog URL.
:param data: Data to post to the request, used when getting all pages
:return: Yields the WindowsUpdate objects found.
search_safe = quote(search)
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
if data:
data = urlencode(data).encode('utf-8')
url = '%s/Search.aspx?q=%s' % (CATALOG_URL, search_safe)
with fetch_url(url, data=data, headers=headers) as resp:
resp_text ='utf-8').strip()
catalog = BeautifulSoup(resp_text, 'html.parser')
# If we need to perform an action (like sorting or next page) we need to add these 4 fields that are based on the
# original response received.
def build_action_data(action):
data = {
'__EVENTTARGET': action,
element = catalog.find(id=field)
if element:
data[field] = element.attrs['value']
return data
raw_updates = catalog.find(id='ctl00_catalogBody_updateMatches').find_all('tr')
headers = raw_updates[0] # The first entry in the table are the headers which we may use for sorting.
if sort:
# Lookup the header click JS targets based on the header name to sort.
header_links = headers.find_all('a')
event_targets = dict((l.find('span').get_text(), l.attrs['id'].replace('_', '$')) for l in header_links)
data = build_action_data(event_targets[sort])
sort = sort if sort_reverse else None # If we want to sort descending we need to sort it again.
for update in find_updates(search, all_updates, sort=sort, data=data):
yield update
for u in raw_updates[1:]:
yield WindowsUpdate(u)
# ctl00_catalogBody_nextPage is set when there are no more updates to retrieve.
last_page = catalog.find(id='ctl00_catalogBody_nextPage')
if not last_page and all_updates:
data = build_action_data('ctl00$catalogBody$nextPageLinkText')
for update in find_updates(search, True, data=data):
yield update
Copy link

DOWNLOAD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\[(\d*)\]\.url = [\"\'](https://catalog\.s\.download\.windowsupdate\.com/[^\'\"\\]*)')

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