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Created February 2, 2017 16:04
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  • Save jbothma/5d185154d6df25c9ebafc33be3745a02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jbothma/5d185154d6df25c9ebafc33be3745a02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"name": "GRO_DOH_Citizen_Survey",
"title": "GRO - DOH Citizen Survey",
"sms_keyword": "GRO_DOH_Citizen_Survey",
"default_language": "default",
"version": "1.0",
"id_string": "GRO_DOH_Citizen_Survey",
"type": "survey",
"children": [
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"children": [
"name": "soshanguve",
"label": "Soshanguve \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Block X clinic"
"name": "khutsong",
"label": "Khutsong West"
"type": "select one",
"name": "facility",
"label": "Health Facility Name"
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"type": "text",
"name": "surveyor",
"label": "Monitor"
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"type": "text",
"name": "capturer",
"label": "Capturer"
"name": "visit_reason",
"from_path": "What_was_your_reason_for_visit",
"hint": "Select all that apply to you",
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"label": "What was your reason for visiting the facility?",
"type": "select all that apply",
"children": [
"name": "not_well",
"from_name": "_generally_not_feeling_well",
"label": "Generally not feeling well"
"name": "pregnant",
"from_name": "_pregnant_mother_and_children",
"label": "Pregnant mother and children"
"name": "emergency",
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"label": "Emergency"
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"from_name": "_accompanying_someone_else",
"label": "Accompanying someone else"
"name": "regular_collection",
"from_name": "_i_visit_regularly_to_collect_",
"label": "I visit regularly to collect monthly medication and/or check up"
"name": "other",
"from_name": "_other",
"label": "Other (please specify)"
"bind": {
"relevant": "selected(${What_was_your_reason_for_visit}, '_other')",
"required": "false"
"type": "text",
"name": "Other_reason_for_visiting_the_",
"label": "Other reason for visiting the facility:"
"name": "travel_distance",
"from_path": "How_far_did_you_travel_to_get_",
"hint": "Assist the respondent to calculate the distance from their house",
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"label": "How far did you travel to get to the clinic?",
"type": "select one",
"children": [
"name": "under_two",
"from_name": "2km_or_less",
"label": "2km or less"
"name": "two_five",
"from_name": "3___5km",
"label": "3 - 5km"
"name": "six_eight",
"from_name": "6___8km",
"label": "6 - 8km"
"name": "more_eight",
"from_name": "more_than_8km",
"label": "More than 8km"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "nothing",
"label": "Nothing"
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"label": "Less than R10"
"name": "r11___r25",
"label": "R11 - R25"
"name": "r26___r50",
"label": "R26 - R50"
"name": "r51___r75",
"label": "R51 - R75"
"name": "more_than_r75",
"label": "More than R75"
"type": "select one",
"name": "What_was_the_total_amount_you_",
"label": "What was the total amount you had to pay for transport to the service office?"
"bind": {
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"children": [
"name": "yes",
"from_name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"from_name": "no",
"label": "No"
"type": "select one",
"name": "distance",
"from_path": "Is_this_clinic_the_nearest_hea",
"label": "Is this clinic the nearest health facility to your home?"
"children": [
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"children": [
"name": "more_four",
"from_name": "more_than_4_ho",
"label": "More than 4 hours"
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"from_name": "3___4_hours",
"label": "3 - 4 hours"
"name": "two_three",
"from_name": "2___3_hours",
"label": "2 - 3 hours"
"name": "one_two",
"from_name": "1___2_hours",
"label": "1 - 2 hours"
"name": "under_one",
"from_name": "less_than_1_ho",
"label": "Less than 1 hour"
"type": "select one",
"name": "register_time",
"from_path": "Waiting_Times/get_registered_at_reception",
"label": "Get registered at reception"
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"children": [
"name": "more_four",
"from_name": "more_than_4_ho",
"label": "More than 4 hours"
"name": "three_four",
"from_name": "3___4_hours",
"label": "3 - 4 hours"
"name": "two_three",
"from_name": "2___3_hours",
"label": "2 - 3 hours"
"name": "one_two",
"from_name": "1___2_hours",
"label": "1 - 2 hours"
"name": "under_one",
"from_name": "less_than_1_ho",
"label": "Less than 1 hour"
"type": "select one",
"name": "professional_time",
"from_path": "Waiting_Times/see_a_professional_nurse_or_doctor_",
"label": "See a professional (nurse or doctor)"
"bind": {
"required": "yes"
"children": [
"name": "more_four",
"from_name": "more_than_4_ho",
"label": "More than 4 hours"
"name": "three_four",
"from_name": "3___4_hours",
"label": "3 - 4 hours"
"name": "two_three",
"from_name": "2___3_hours",
"label": "2 - 3 hours"
"name": "one_two",
"from_name": "1___2_hours",
"label": "1 - 2 hours"
"name": "under_one",
"from_name": "less_than_1_ho",
"label": "Less than 1 hour"
"type": "select one",
"name": "medicine_time",
"from_path": "Waiting_Times/collect_your_medication",
"label": "Collect your medication"
"type": "group",
"name": "waiting_group",
"label": "Please tell us how long you waited to:"
"children": [
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "not_applicable",
"label": "Not Applicable"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Did_you_feel_safe_in_and_aroun",
"name": "safety",
"label": "Did you feel safe in and around the clinic?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "not_applicable",
"label": "Not Applicable"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Did_the_staff_respect_your_rig",
"name": "examined_private",
"label": "Did the staff respect your right to be examined in private?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "not_applicable",
"label": "Not Applicable"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Did_the_nurse_or_doctor_explai",
"name": "consent",
"label": "Did the nurse or doctor explain your rights and ask for your consent before treating you?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "not_applicable",
"label": "Not Applicable"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Did_you_get_all_the_medication",
"name": "all_medication",
"label": "Did you get all the medication that you needed?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "not_applicable",
"label": "Not Applicable"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Do_you_know_how_to_make_a_comp",
"name": "complaint",
"label": "Do you know how to make a complaint at this clinic if you wanted to?"
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"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "not_applicable",
"label": "Not Applicable"
"type": "select one",
"name": "complaint_response",
"from_path": "Do_you_think_that_the_clinic_w",
"label": "Do you think that the clinic will respond to a complaint if you make one? *"
"type": "group",
"name": "yes_no_group",
"label": "Please answer yes or no to the following questions"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"type": "text",
"name": "Would_you_like_to_mention_any_",
"label": "Would you like to mention any personal experience related to any of these questions?"
"control": {
"appearance": "field-list"
"type": "group",
"name": "performance_group",
"children": [
"control": {
"appearance": "label"
"children": [
"name": "very_poor",
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"name": "poor",
"label": "Poor"
"name": "not_good__not_",
"label": "Not good, not bad"
"name": "good",
"label": "Good"
"name": "excellent",
"label": "Excellent"
"type": "select one",
"name": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform_header",
"label": "How would you rate the performance of the clinic staff in the following areas?"
"control": {
"appearance": "list-nolabel"
"from_path": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform/was_the_clinic_clean_",
"name": "clean",
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"label": "Was the clinic clean?",
"type": "select one",
"children": [
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"name": "1",
"label": "Very poor"
"from_name": "poor",
"name": "2",
"label": "Poor"
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"name": "3",
"label": "Not good, not bad"
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"name": "4",
"label": "Good"
"from_name": "excellent",
"name": "5",
"label": "Excellent"
"control": {
"appearance": "list-nolabel"
"from_path": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform/did_the_clinic_manage_queues_well_",
"name": "queues",
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"label": "Did the clinic manage queues well?",
"type": "select one",
"children": [
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"name": "1",
"label": "Very poor"
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"name": "2",
"label": "Poor"
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"name": "3",
"label": "Not good, not bad"
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"name": "4",
"label": "Good"
"from_name": "excellent",
"name": "5",
"label": "Excellent"
"control": {
"appearance": "list-nolabel"
"from_path": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform/did_the_administrative_staff_treat_you_respectfully_",
"name": "respect_admin",
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"label": "Did the administrative staff treat you respectfully?",
"type": "select one",
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"name": "1",
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"name": "3",
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"label": "Good"
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"name": "5",
"label": "Excellent"
"control": {
"appearance": "list-nolabel"
"from_path": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform/did_the_health_professionals_doctors_and_nurses_treat_you_respectfully_",
"name": "respect_professionals",
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"label": "Did the health professionals (doctors and nurses) treat you respectfully?",
"type": "select one",
"children": [
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"name": "1",
"label": "Very poor"
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"name": "2",
"label": "Poor"
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"name": "3",
"label": "Not good, not bad"
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"label": "Good"
"from_name": "excellent",
"name": "5",
"label": "Excellent"
"control": {
"appearance": "list-nolabel"
"from_path": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform/how_good_are_the_ambulance_services_",
"name": "ambulance",
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"label": "How good are the ambulance services?",
"type": "select one",
"children": [
"from_name": "very_poor",
"name": "1",
"label": "Very poor"
"from_name": "poor",
"name": "2",
"label": "Poor"
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"name": "3",
"label": "Not good, not bad"
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"name": "4",
"label": "Good"
"from_name": "excellent",
"name": "5",
"label": "Excellent"
"control": {
"appearance": "list-nolabel"
"from_path": "How_would_you_rate_the_perform/does_the_clinic_have_the_necessary_equipment_in_good_working_condition_to_provide_the_services_you_need_",
"name": "equipment",
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"label": "Does the clinic have the necessary equipment in good working condition to provide the services you need?",
"type": "select one",
"children": [
"from_name": "very_poor",
"name": "1",
"label": "Very poor"
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"name": "2",
"label": "Poor"
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"label": "Good"
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"name": "5",
"label": "Excellent"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"type": "text",
"name": "Would_you_like_to_say_more_abo",
"label": "Would you like to say more about your personal experience at this clinic?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"name": "unsure",
"label": "Unsure"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Does_this_clinic_have_a_Clinic",
"name": "clinic_committee",
"label": "Does this clinic have a Clinic Committee?"
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"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
"label": "Yes"
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"label": "No"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Do_you_know_what_the_Clinic_Co",
"name": "clinic_committee_function",
"label": "Do you know what the Clinic Committee should do?"
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"children": [
"name": "yes",
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"label": "No"
"name": "maybe",
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"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Do_you_think_that_this_clinic_",
"name": "clinic_feedback",
"label": "Do you think that this clinic will learn from this survey and improve their services?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"type": "text",
"name": "What_improvements_would_you_mo",
"label": "What improvements would you most like to see at this clinic?"
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"bind": {
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"name": "male",
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"label": "Female"
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"label": "Select your gender"
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"required": "true"
"children": [
"from_name": "under_25_years",
"name": "under_25",
"label": "Under 25 years old"
"from_name": "26___40_years_",
"name": "26_40",
"label": "26 - 40 years old"
"name": "41_60",
"from_name": "41___60_years_",
"label": "41 - 60 years old"
"name": "older_60",
"from_name": "older_than_60_",
"label": "Older than 60 years"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "How_old_are_you",
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"label": "How old are you?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"name": "yes",
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"name": "no",
"label": "No"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Do_you_have_any_disabilities",
"name": "disability",
"label": "Do you have any disabilities?"
"bind": {
"required": "true"
"children": [
"from_name": "i_do_not_earn_",
"name": "none",
"label": "I do not earn an income"
"from_name": "government_gra",
"name": "gov_grant",
"label": "Government grant"
"name": "temp_employ",
"from_name": "temporary_empl",
"label": "Temporary employment"
"name": "perm_employ",
"from_name": "permanent_empl",
"label": "Permanent employment"
"name": "small_vendor",
"from_name": "small_scale_ve",
"label": "Small scale vendor (no employees)"
"name": "own_business",
"from_name": "own_business__",
"label": "Own business (with employees)"
"type": "select one",
"from_path": "Where_do_you_earn_most_of_your",
"name": "income",
"label": "Where do you earn most of your income from?"
"type": "group",
"name": "demographics_group",
"label": "Some questions about you"
"type": "start",
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"type": "end",
"name": "end"
"type": "today",
"name": "today"
"control": {
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"children": [
"bind": {
"readonly": "true()",
"calculate": "concat('uuid:', uuid())"
"type": "calculate",
"name": "instanceID"
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