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Last active November 18, 2016 10:52
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simple Mapillary API wrapper (for Python 3.4+)
# coding=utf-8
import requests
from yaml import load as yaml_load
from functools import partialmethod
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote
class Mapillary(object):
def __init__(self, token='token.yaml'):
self._base_url = ''
self._img_url = '{}/thumb-{}.jpg'
self._client_id = self._load_token(token)['client_id']
except FileNotFoundError:
self._client_id = token
def status(self):
path = '/status/api'
return requests.get(self._base_url+path).ok
def authorized(self):
path = '/me'
r = requests.get(self._base_url+path)
if r.ok:
return True
elif r.status_code == 401:
return False
raise ConnectionError(r.status_code)
def image_url(self, image_key, thumbnail_size=640):
assert thumbnail_size in (320, 640, 1024, 2048)
return self._img_url.format(image_key, thumbnail_size)
def _load_token(self, token_file):
with open(token_file, 'r') as f:
return yaml_load(f)
def _endpoint(self, path, **kwargs):
params = dict(client_id=self._client_id)
r = requests.get('?'.join([self._base_url+path, urlencode(params)]))
if r.ok:
return r.json()
raise ConnectionError(r.status_code)
def _retrieve_by_key(self, key, path, **kwargs):
params = dict(client_id=self._client_id)
formatted_path = path.format(quote(key))
r = requests.get('?'.join([self._base_url+formatted_path, urlencode(params)]))
if r.ok:
return r.json()
raise ConnectionError(r.status_code)
random_image = partialmethod(_endpoint, path='/search/im/randomselected')
random_image_geojson = partialmethod(_endpoint, path='/search/im/geojson/randomimage')
random_image_with_object = partialmethod(_endpoint, path='/search/im/or/random')
box_search = partialmethod(_endpoint, path='/search/im')
point_search = partialmethod(_endpoint, path='/search/im/close')
comment = partialmethod(_retrieve_by_key, path='/cm/{}')
image = partialmethod(_retrieve_by_key, path='/im/{}')
sequence = partialmethod(_retrieve_by_key, path='/s/{}')
user = partialmethod(_retrieve_by_key, path='/u/{}')
client_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
client_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
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