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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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What I found out about the Graduate Center email transition

What I found out about the Graduate Center email transition

Following the announcement about the migration of Graduate Center email to the hosted Microsoft Office365 service (and thus the domain), I inquired with GC IT about when our old addresses will expire, since the announcement sent out by IT was unclear on this point.

According to the help desk, our old addresses will not be phased out so much as killed:

Once June 1st comes around, the accounts will be removed from our system completely, so any emails that go to that address will bounce back to the sender. At that point, all emails would need to go to the 365 address.

I got a separate response to my inquiry from IT which indicates a different policy:

The answer depends upon your graduation date. If you are graduating before December 1, 2015, the redirection of email will stop on December 1, 2015. If you are scheduled to graduate after December 1, 2015, your email will continue to be redirected until 3 months after your date of graduation. Email sent to you after that time will not be delivered.

As of February 17, 2015 new email will only appear in your new mailbox. You will not receive any new email in your old mailbox after that date.

More information will be communicated via email and the Information Technology webpage during the first week of December.

Oy vey.


After I pointed out the discrepancy in the responses I recieved to them, IT wrote again to clarify:

Technically your mailbox will no longer be available after June 1, 2015. You will not be able to access it or move any mail from it after that date. However, if someone sends an email to your old account, it will continue to be redirected to your new account until the time periods listed below. [i.e., above]

So I guess technically that means will continue to have an MX record associated with it until three months after the last person that currently has an email address graduates. More likely, they will discontinue forwarding service for current students by some to-be-determined deadline.

As for faculty, no idea when they can expect their email to start bouncing...

Updated again

According to the DSC, faculty will keep their addresses.

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