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Last active November 24, 2016 14:38
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Create a geometry from an OpenStreetMap element
import requests
from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as xml_parse
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, Point
def osm_getter(element_id, endpoint):
assert endpoint in ('node', 'way', 'relation')
OSM_API_URL = '{}/{}'
r = requests.get(OSM_API_URL.format(endpoint, element_id))
if r.status_code == 200:
return xml_parse(r.text)
elif r.status_code == 404:
raise ValueError('No such {}: {}.'.format(endpoint, element_id))
raise ConnectionError('OSM API responded with {}.'.format(r.status_code))
get_node = partial(osm_getter, endpoint='node')
get_way = partial(osm_getter, endpoint='way')
get_relation = partial(osm_getter, endpoint='relation')
def node_to_point(node_id):
node = get_node(node_id).getElementsByTagName('node')[0]
return Point(map(float,
def way_to_polygon(way_id):
points = OrderedDict()
way_tree = get_way(way_id)
for nd in way_tree.getElementsByTagName('nd'):
node_id = nd.attributes['ref'].value
points[node_id] = node_to_point(node_id)
return Polygon(p.coords[0] for _, p in points.items())
def relation_to_multipolygon(relation_id):
polygons = OrderedDict()
relation_tree = get_relation(relation_id)
for member in relation_tree.getElementsByTagName('member'):
if member.attributes['type'].value == 'way':
way_id = member.attributes['ref'].value
polygons[way_id] = way_to_polygon(way_id)
return MultiPolygon([p for _, p in polygons.items()])
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jboynyc commented Aug 5, 2015

Is Strawberry Fields in Central Park?

>>> way_to_polygon(161202890).contains(node_to_point(3248816675))

Is Vienna in Australia?

>>> relation_to_multipolygon(80500).contains(node_to_point(17328659))
# sadly this doesn't work yet

NB: relation_to_multipolygon can take a long time to run, especially for relations with many members, because API calls are not made in parallel.

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jboynyc commented Nov 24, 2016

It's probably better to use this database.

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