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Created October 6, 2011 18:20
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othello in ocaml
type player = | Black | White
type cell = | Cell of player | Empty
type board = (cell array) array
exception Invalid_position_exception of (int * int)
let opponent = function | Black -> White | White -> Black
let init_board () : board =
let b = Array.init 8 (fun _ -> Array.init 8 (fun _ -> Empty))
(b.(3).(3) <- Cell White;
b.(4).(4) <- Cell White;
b.(4).(3) <- Cell Black;
b.(3).(4) <- Cell Black;
let print_board (b : board) =
let print_line line =
| Empty -> print_char '.'
| Cell White -> print_char 'O'
| Cell Black -> print_char '#')
print_newline ())
in Array.iter print_line b
let check_position (x, y) =
if not ((x >= 0) && ((y < 8) && ((y >= 0) && (y < 8))))
then raise (Invalid_position_exception (x, y))
else ()
let find_sequence (b : board) (dx, dy) (x, y) =
match b.(x).(y) with
| Empty -> []
| Cell player ->
let rec find (x, y) accu =
(check_position (x, y);
match b.(x).(y) with
| Cell p ->
if p = player
then accu
else find ((x + dx), (y + dy)) ((x, y) :: accu)
| Empty -> [])
with | Invalid_position_exception e -> [])
in find ((x + dx), (y + dy)) []
let find_flipped (b : board) (x, y) =
let directions =
[ (0, 1); (0, (-1)); ((-1), 0); (1, 0); ((-1), (-1)); (1, (-1));
((-1), 1); (1, 1) ]
List.fold_left (fun accu d -> accu @ (find_sequence b d (x, y))) []
let play (b : board) player (x, y) =
(b.(x).(y) <- Cell player;
let flipped = find_flipped b (x, y)
(List.iter (fun (x, y) -> b.(x).(y) <- Cell player) flipped;
print_board b))
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