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Last active December 19, 2015 09:59
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Save jbpotonnier/5937330 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recommend products based on sales. There is an approximation when sorting by sales, considering the wholes sales, when only the sales of people having bought the same product should be used. The data structure could be easily implemented in Redis ;)
module Reco where
import Prelude hiding (product)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import Data.List(sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
newtype Product = Product String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype User = User String deriving (Eq, Ord)
data ProductDatabase = ProductDatabase {
dbProductsByUser :: Map User (Set Product),
dbUsersByProduct :: Map Product (Set User),
dbSales :: Map Product Int
emptyProductDatabase :: ProductDatabase
emptyProductDatabase = ProductDatabase Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
buy :: User -> Product -> ProductDatabase -> ProductDatabase
buy user product (ProductDatabase productsByUser usersByProduct sales) =
(Map.insertWith Set.union user (Set.singleton product) productsByUser)
(Map.insertWith Set.union product (Set.singleton user) usersByProduct)
(Map.insertWith (+) product 1 sales)
recommendOtherProducts :: User -> Product -> ProductDatabase -> [Product]
recommendOtherProducts user product (ProductDatabase productsByUser usersByProduct sales) =
(sortBySales sales . removeSelectedProduct . removeAlreadyBought) allProductsBoughtByOthers
allProductsBoughtByOthers = Set.unions $ map findProductsBoughtByUser (Set.toList usersWhoBought)
usersWhoBought = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty product usersByProduct
findProductsBoughtByUser u = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty u productsByUser
removeAlreadyBought allProducts = allProducts `Set.difference` findProductsBoughtByUser user
removeSelectedProduct = Set.delete product
sortBySales :: Map Product Int -> Set Product -> [Product]
sortBySales sales products =
map fst
. sortBy (comparing $ negate . snd)
. Map.toList . Map.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> Set.member k products)
$ sales
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF htfpp #-}
import Test.Framework
import Reco (emptyProductDatabase,
rx100 :: Product
rx100 = Product "rx100"
sd32g :: Product
sd32g = Product "32G SD card"
continuous :: Product
continuous = Product "Continuous"
jb :: User
jb = User "JB"
bruno :: User
bruno = User "Bruno"
stephan :: User
stephan = User "Stephan"
test_recommend_other_products :: IO ()
test_recommend_other_products = do
let db = (jb `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` sd32g) .
(jb `buy` continuous) $ emptyProductDatabase
assertEqual [continuous, rx100] (recommendOtherProducts bruno sd32g db)
test_dont_recommend_from_unrelated_user :: IO ()
test_dont_recommend_from_unrelated_user = do
let db = (stephan `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` sd32g) .
(jb `buy` continuous) $ emptyProductDatabase
assertEqual [continuous] (recommendOtherProducts bruno sd32g db)
test_dont_recommend_already_bought :: IO ()
test_dont_recommend_already_bought = do
let db = (bruno `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` sd32g) .
(jb `buy` continuous) $ emptyProductDatabase
assertEqual [continuous] (recommendOtherProducts bruno sd32g db)
test_dont_recommend_same_product :: IO ()
test_dont_recommend_same_product = do
let db = (jb `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` sd32g) $ emptyProductDatabase
assertEqual [rx100] (recommendOtherProducts bruno sd32g db)
test_recommend_best_seller_first :: IO ()
test_recommend_best_seller_first = do
let db = (stephan `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` rx100) .
(jb `buy` sd32g) .
(jb `buy` continuous) $ emptyProductDatabase
assertEqual [rx100, continuous] (recommendOtherProducts bruno sd32g db)
main :: IO ()
main = htfMain htf_thisModulesTests
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