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Created February 12, 2011 19:00
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Save jbpotonnier/823991 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reversi in Haskell. There is a bug in negamax, it's working, but the program should be stronger ;)
import Data.Array (Array, array, (//), (!), assocs, elems)
import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy, group)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Control.Monad (forever, when)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
data Player = Black | White deriving (Show, Eq)
type Position = (Int, Int)
type Direction = (Int, Int)
type Board = Array Position (Maybe Player)
type Square = Maybe Player
data Game = Game Board Player
opponent :: Player -> Player
opponent Black = White
opponent White = Black
isBlack :: Square -> Bool
isBlack (Just Black) = True
isBlack _ = False
isWhite :: Square -> Bool
isWhite (Just White) = True
isWhite _ = False
initialBoard :: Board
initialBoard =
emptyBoard // [ ((3, 3), Just White),
((4, 4), Just White),
((4, 3), Just Black),
((3, 4), Just Black) ]
emptyBoard = array ((0,0), (7,7)) [ ((i, j), Nothing) |
i <- [0..7], j <- [0..7] ]
initialGame :: Game
initialGame = Game initialBoard White
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard board =
numbers ++ ( unlines $ [(show n) ++ "| " ++ showLine l ++ "|" ++(show n) |
(n, l) <- zip [0..] lineList])
++ numbers
lineList = groupBy (\ ((a, _), _) ((b, _), _) -> a == b) (assocs board)
showLine :: [((Int, Int), Maybe Player)] -> String
showLine l = concat [ showCell c | ((_, _), c) <- l ]
showCell Nothing = "- "
showCell (Just Black) = "@ "
showCell (Just White) = "O "
numbers = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n"
isPositionValid :: Position -> Bool
isPositionValid (x, y) = x >= 0 && x < 8 && y >= 0 && y < 8
findSequence :: Board -> Direction -> Player -> Position -> [Position]
findSequence board (dx, dy) player (x, y) =
findSeq (x + dx, y + dy) []
findSeq :: Position -> [Position] -> [Position]
findSeq pos@(a, b) accu
| not $ isPositionValid pos = []
| otherwise =
case board ! pos of
Nothing -> []
Just p -> if p == player
then accu
else findSeq ((a + dx), (b + dy)) (pos : accu)
findFlipped :: Board -> Position -> Player -> [Position]
findFlipped board pos player =
concat [ findSequence board dir player pos |
dir <- [ (0, 1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0),
(-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1) ] ]
isFlippingSome :: Board -> Position -> Player -> Bool
isFlippingSome board pos player = (not . null) $ findFlipped board pos player
canPlayPos :: Board -> Position -> Player -> Bool
canPlayPos board pos player =
isPositionValid pos && (board ! pos == Nothing) &&
isFlippingSome board pos player
findPlayablePositions :: Board -> Player -> [Position]
findPlayablePositions board player =
[ pos | (pos, p) <- assocs board,
isNothing p,
isFlippingSome board pos player]
play :: Board -> Position -> Player -> Board
play board pos player =
board // ((pos, Just player) : [ (f, Just player) | f <- flipped ])
where flipped = findFlipped board pos player
isLeaf :: Board -> Bool
isLeaf = (all isJust) . elems
eval :: Board -> Int
eval board =
whites - blacks
whites = length $ filter isWhite squares
blacks = length $ filter isBlack squares
squares = elems board
minimax :: Board -> Player -> Int -> Int
minimax board player n =
if isLeaf board || n > 4
then eval board
if null playable
then 0
else (target player) [ minimax (play board pos player) other (n+1) |
pos <- playable ]
other = opponent player
playable = findPlayablePositions board player
target Black = minimum
target White = maximum
doPlay :: IORef Game -> IO ()
doPlay refGame = do
Game board player <- readIORef refGame
pos <- case player of
White -> readLn :: IO (Int, Int)
Black -> return $ snd $ head $ sortBy (comparing fst)
[ (minimax (play board pos player) player 0, pos) |
pos <- findPlayablePositions board player]
when (canPlayPos board pos player) $
writeIORef refGame $ Game (play board pos player) (opponent player)
printRefGame refGame
printRefGame :: IORef Game -> IO ()
printRefGame refGame = do
Game board player <- readIORef refGame
(putStrLn . showBoard) board
putStrLn $ (show player) ++ " is playing"
putStrLn ( "Possible play = " ++
show (findPlayablePositions board player) )
main :: IO ()
main = do
refGame <- newIORef initialGame
printRefGame refGame
forever $ doPlay refGame
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