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Created February 12, 2011 19:09
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Save jbpotonnier/824009 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sokoban game. The maps can be downloaded from
import Data.Array (Array, array, bounds, elems, (!), (//))
import Utils (makeRows, arrayFindOnValBy)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import System.IO (stdin, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(NoBuffering))
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
data Cell = Wall
| Box Bool
| Player Bool
| Empty Bool
type Board = Array Position Cell
data Game = Game Board
type Position = (Int, Int)
data Direction = UpDir | DownDir | LeftDir | RightDir
data Action = Stay
| Push Position Position
| Move Position Position
instance Show Cell where
show Wall = "#"
show (Box True) = "*"
show (Box False) = "$"
show (Player True) = "+"
show (Player False) = "@"
show (Empty True) = "."
show (Empty False) = " "
instance Show Game where
show (Game board) = unlines . (map showRow) . makeRows rowLength $ elems board
rowLength = (snd . snd $ bounds board) + 1
showRow = concatMap show
cellOfChar :: Char -> Cell
cellOfChar '#' = Wall
cellOfChar '*' = Box True
cellOfChar '$' = Box False
cellOfChar '+' = Player True
cellOfChar '@' = Player False
cellOfChar '.' = Empty True
cellOfChar ' ' = Empty False
cellOfChar c = error $ "Unknnown input: " ++ [c]
moveDir :: Position -> Direction -> Position
moveDir (a, b) UpDir = (a - 1, b)
moveDir (a, b) DownDir = (a + 1, b)
moveDir (a, b) LeftDir = (a, b - 1)
moveDir (a, b) RightDir = (a, b + 1)
findTargets :: Game -> [Position]
findTargets (Game b) = arrayFindOnValBy isTarget b
isTarget :: Cell -> Bool
isTarget (Empty True) = True
isTarget (Box True) = True
isTarget (Player True) = True
isTarget _ = False
findBoxes :: Game -> [Position]
findBoxes (Game b) = arrayFindOnValBy isBox b
isBox (Box _) = True
isBox _ = False
findPlayer :: Game -> Position
findPlayer (Game b) = head $ arrayFindOnValBy isPlayer b
isPlayer (Player _ ) = True
isPlayer _ = False
win :: Game -> Bool
win g = findBoxes g == findTargets g
nextAction :: Game -> Direction -> Action
nextAction g@(Game b) dir =
case b ! newPos of
Empty _ -> Move oldPos newPos
Box _ -> if isEmpty $ b ! moveDir newPos dir
then Push oldPos newPos
else Stay
_ -> Stay
oldPos = findPlayer g
newPos = moveDir oldPos dir
isEmpty (Empty _) = True
isEmpty _ = False
play :: Game -> Direction -> Game
play g@(Game b) dir =
case nextAction g dir of
Stay -> g
Move oldPos newPos -> Game $ b // [ (oldPos, playerLeave (b ! oldPos)),
(newPos, playerEnter (b ! newPos))]
Push oldPos newPos ->
let newBoxPos = moveDir newPos dir in
Game $ b // [ (newPos, boxLeave (b ! newPos)),
(newBoxPos, boxEnter (b ! newBoxPos))]
// [ (oldPos, playerLeave (b ! oldPos)),
(newPos, playerEnter (b ! newPos))]
playerEnter (Empty target) = Player target
playerEnter (Box target) = Player target
playerEnter c = error $ "Player cannot enter cell" ++ show c
boxEnter (Empty target) = Box target
boxEnter c = error $ "Box cannot enter cell" ++ show c
playerLeave (Player target) = Empty target
playerLeave c = error $ "Player cannot leave cell" ++ show c
boxLeave (Box target) = Player target
boxLeave c = error $ "Box cannot leave cell" ++ show c
readGame :: String -> Game
readGame str = Game $ array arrayBounds indexedCells
boardAsList = map (map cellOfChar) . lines . filter (/= '\r') $ str
arrayBounds = ((0, 0), (length boardAsList - 1,
maximum [length r | r <- boardAsList] - 1))
enumerateLine (n, row) = [((n, i), c) | (i, c) <- zip [0..] row]
indexedCells = concatMap enumerateLine $ zip [0..] boardAsList
readDirection :: Char -> Maybe Direction
readDirection '4' = Just LeftDir
readDirection '6' = Just RightDir
readDirection '2' = Just DownDir
readDirection '8' = Just UpDir
readDirection _ = Nothing
repl :: IORef Game -> IO ()
repl refGame = do
game <- readIORef refGame
print game
c <- getChar
putStrLn ""
case readDirection c of
Nothing -> repl refGame
Just dir -> do
let newGame = play game dir
unless (win newGame) $ do
writeIORef refGame newGame
repl refGame
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
content <- readFile "auto52/soko001.txt"
let game = readGame content
refGame <- newIORef game
repl refGame
putStrLn "You win!!"
module Utils where
import Data.Array (Ix, Array, assocs)
makeRows :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
makeRows _ [] = []
makeRows len elts =
(take len elts) : makeRows len (drop len elts)
arrayFindOnValBy :: (Ix a) => (b-> Bool) -> Array a b -> [a]
arrayFindOnValBy p a = [k | (k,v) <- assocs a, p v]
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