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Created January 31, 2013 19:59
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Solution for Parity Analysis
StrSet = set(str)
StrLifted = lift(StrSet)
State = Var -> StrLifted
PROBLEM Constant_Propagation
direction : forward
carrier : State
init : bot
init_start : [-> top]
combine : lub
// in assignments calculate the new value of the variable and add it to the state
ASSIGN(variable, expression) =
@\[variable -> evalAExp(expression, @)]
// in procedur calls pass the value of the actual argument to the formal parameter
CALL(_, param, exp), call_edge =
@\[param -> evalAExp(exp, @)]
CALL(_, _, _), local_edge = bot
// at the end of procedures reset the formal parameter
END(_, param) =
@\[param -> top]
evalAExp :: Expression * State -> StrLifted
evalAExp(expression, state) =
case expType(expression) of
"ARITH_BINARY" => case expOp(expression) of
"+" => let valLeft <= evalAExp(expSubLeft(expression), state),
valRight <= evalAExp(expSubRight(expression), state) in
{ if l = r then
else "odd" endif
| l in valLeft; r in valRight });
"-" => let valLeft <= evalAExp(expSubLeft(expression), state),
valRight <= evalAExp(expSubRight(expression), state) in
{ if l = r then
else "odd" endif
| l in valLeft; r in valRight });
"*" => let valLeft <= evalAExp(expSubLeft(expression), state),
valRight <= evalAExp(expSubRight(expression), state) in
{ if l = "odd" then
if r = "odd" then
else "even" endif
else "even" endif
| l in valLeft; r in valRight });
"/" => let valLeft <= evalAExp(expSubLeft(expression), state),
valRight <= evalAExp(expSubRight(expression), state) in
{ if l = "odd" then
if r = "odd" then
else "even" endif
else "even" endif
| l in valLeft; r in valRight });
case expOp(expression) of
"-" => let value <= evalAExp(expSub(expression), state) in
"VAR" => state ( expVar(expression) );
"CONST" =>
if ((expVal(expression) % 2) = 0) then
else lift({"odd"}) endif;
_ => error("Runtime Error: evalAExp applied to nonarithmetic Expression");
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